Avaya Related Exams
72301X Exam

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You are troubleshooting a TLS link down message between Avaya Aura® Session Manager (SM) and Avaya Session Border Controller for Enterprise (SBCE). Tracing on SM and SBCE reveals a Fatal Error Unknown CA message being sent by SBCE when it receives the Server Identity certificate from SM.
To solve this problem, which two actions need to be completed? (Choose two.)
Avaya currently uses the online tool called Avaya Diagnostic Methodology (ADM) for partners to raise trouble tickets and receive assistance, and expects customers/partners to have performed the following tasks before raising a trouble ticket.
1. Clearly stated the problem.
2. Detailed the findings.
3. Clarified the problem.
When they receive the trouble ticket, what is the next step in ADM that Avaya Tier 3 support will perform?
The WebRTC snap-in is showing a yellow caution icon under License Mode.
What does this error mode indicate?