Which of the following emphasizes that short-term investment performance will be of limited significance in evaluating the manager?
A portfolio manager may need to adopt a more appropriate ESG benchmark rather than a broad market benchmark if the degree of exclusions results in:
With respect to ESG integration, adjusting financial model inputs based on an evaluation of a company’s ESG risk factors is an example of a:
Which of the three ESG factors is most often taken into consideration by traditional investment analysts?
To fall in scope of mandatory compliance with the EU’s Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD), companies would need to meet which of the following conditions?
Condition 1EUR40 million in net turnover
Condition 2EUR20 million in assets
Condition 3250 or more employees
Which of the following is most likely an example of a negative externality?
Regarding ESG issues, which of the following sets the tone for the investment value chain?
Which of the following has the long-term goal to keep the increase in global average temperature to well below 2°C (3.6°F) above pre-industnal levels?
In ESG integration, which of the following best describes a data-mformed analytical opinion designed to support investment decision-making?
Which of the following is most likely a reason for concern regarding the quality of a company's ESG disclosures?
Performance materiality:
Integrating the impact of material ESG factors into traditional financial analysis for a company with strong ESG practices most likely.
What is the underlying principle of the corporate governance code in most markets?
According to the Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD), the four realms of nature include
Which of the following is an example of shareholder engagement? Institutional investors:
Which of the following is an example of a just’ transition with regards to climate change?
Which of the following is best described as a risk management framework for assessing environmental and social risk in project finance?
Which of the following factors is most relevant to the performance outlook of a military equipment manufacturer?
Which of the following types of ESG bonds provide financing to issuers who commit to future improvements in sustainability outcomes?
low risk exposure to this factor in the short run
The role of auditors is to assess the financial reports prepared by management and to provide assurance that:
The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are particularly aimed at
Human rights violations are most likely to affect workers employed
Formal corporate governance codes are most likely to
According to the framework of the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD): the formula for carbon intensity at the portfolio level weighs emissions based upon an issuer's:
Which of the following countries is most likely to use a two-tier board structure?
Which of the following statements about social trends is most accurate?
Which of the following is a form of individual engagement?
Which of the following was established by the United Nations Environment Programme Finance Initiative (UNEP FI)?
Which of the following statements about the Green Claims Directive (GCD) is most accurate? The GCD:
When undertaking an ESG assessment of a private equity deal ESG screening and due diligence will most likely take place during:
In which of the following circumstances is Free, Prior, and Informed Consent (FPIC) most applicable?
Anti-corruption laws are a relevant governance factor for which of the following investments?
Which of the following UK Stewardship Code principles is not addressed in the European Fund and Asset Management Association (EFAMA) Code? The principle that institutional investors should:
With respect to exclusion policies, which of the following falls outside of the traditional spectrum of responsible investment?
For engagement strategies to deliver meaningful results in a cost-effective and time-effective manner, investors must:
Mass migration from developing countries to developed countries are most likely caused by:
During the decommissioning phase of a company’s mining project, the government tightens regulations on land restoration. Which of the following is most likely impacted?
Which of the following scenarios best illustrates the concept of a 'just' transition?
Which of the following encourages institutional investors to work together on human rights and social issues?
Which of the following is an example of collaborative engagement?
Asset owners can reflect ESG considerations through corporate engagement by:
In the investment management industry, triple bottom line accounting theory:
A materiality assessment to identify ESG issues impacting a company's financial performance is most likely measured in terms of:
Corporate engagement and shareholder action is the predominant investment strategy in:
Which of the following is an example of secondary data?
The EU Paris-Aligned Benchmarks and EU Climate Transition Benchmarks both:
Which of the following would most likely be the initial step when drafting a client’s investment mandate?
Company reporting and transparency are led by the:
An investor requires a social return and will tolerate a sub-market financial return. This best characterizes:
Which of the following social factor scenarios is most likely to affect revenue forecasting?
EU regulators manage the independence of audits for public companies by:
When using a threshold assessment to integrate governance factors into the investment decision-making process, fund managers most likely focus on the:
Which of the following statements is least accurate? Compared to social and environmental factors, governance has a:
Which of the following is one of the four phases of activities contained by the LEAP assessment framework developed by the Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD)?
According to the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB), GHG emission is material for more than 50% of the industries in which sector?
A company is accused of surveying employees to prevent them from forming a union. The decision of an asset manager to divest from holding shares in the company is an example of:
Is the following statement accurate? "Engagement is meant to preserve and enhance long-term value on behalf of the asset owner by focusing on factors such as capital structure and lobbying."
In response to policy changes, several of the world’s largest automakers made pledges to halt producing cars with internal combustion engines by 2035. Which of the following would an asset manager most appropriately use to address this trend?
Under the UK listing regime, Class 1 transactions:
According to most of the world’s corporate governance codes, the expectation is that remuneration committees are populated by:
Formal corporate governance codes are most likely to:
An advantage of the carbon footprinting approach to environmental risk analysis is that it allows for:
According to market reviews conducted by the Global Sustainable Investment Alliance at the start of 2020, sustainable investing assets in the five major markets stood at approximately:
Which of the following is an example of the internalization of negative externalities?
Which of the following statements about executive pay in public companies is most accurate?
Jevon's paradox refers to a situation where improvements in efficiency are offset by increased:
Determining which ESG issues are material:
A small company based in Sweden operates in an industry that has good sustainability ratings. The company has a low ESG rating that an analyst believes to be biased. The bias would most likely result from the company's:
Which of the following ESG integration techniques is an example of policy engagement? An investor:
Which of the following is an example of a social factor affecting external stakeholders?
The International Corporate Governance Network's (ICGN) Model Mandate Initiative requests two areas of ESG-specific disclosure. Which of the following is not one of the disclosures?
Which of the following private equity investors is most susceptible to allegations of greenwashing? An investor that views ESG integration as a way of:
Engagement is least appropriate for which of the following investment types?
Excluding tobacco from the investment universe is an example of which of the following ESG screening approaches?
Which of the following statements about engagement escalation is most accurate?
Which of the following would most likely be the initial step when drafting a client’s investment mandate?
The World Bank's World Governance Indicators dataset includes rankings on:
Supply chain sustainability management:
Which of the following statements about the materiality of social factors is most accurate?
The rules that can be used to construct ESG exchange-traded funds (ETFs) include:
An analyst would most likely increase a company’s discount rate if the company:
A portfolio manager of an ESG fund attempting to outperform the general market is most likely to:
Which of the following is a challenge in ESG integration?
Which of the following challenges do asset managers face in integrating ESG issues?
The consulting firm McKinsey & Company includes transparency as part of which of the following dimensions of an asset manager's investment approach?
Companies subject to the EU Taxonomy are required to:
Which of the following is a for-profit provider offering multiple ESG-related products and services?
Negative screening of tobacco-related companies is best grouped into which of the following basic categories?
In governance analysis, a threshold assessment best describes a minimum:
Considering the climate-related impacts on a company's financials and the impacts of a company on the climate best describes:
In the revised 2020 version of the UK Stewardship Code, a significant change is that signatories are now required to:
An analyst derives correlations to determine how ESG factors might impact financial performance over time and then weights those factors appropriately within the portfolio. This approach is best described as:
The perpetual compound annual rate that a company’s cash flow is assumed to change by after the discrete forecasting period is referred to as the:
Pension funds are most likely classified as:
Which of the following statements regarding ESG considerations and sovereign debt is most accurate?
With regards to environmental analysis in fixed income investing, a country-level analysis is relevant to:
Credit-rating agencies are most likely classified as:
According to the Global Sustainable Investment Alliance (GSIA), as of 2020, the largest sustainable investment strategy globally is:
In Japan, additional statutory auditors are individually appointed by the:
Investors in a natural gas power plant identified a material risk that clients will switch to lower greenhouse gas (GHG) energy sources in the future. This risk is best incorporated in the financial modeling of:
The COVID-19 pandemic led to increased:
When employing an ESG integration strategy, asset managers are most likely to:
ESG integration is most likely enforced by regulating:
Based on the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board's (SASB) materiality map, which of the following is a material ESG risk for healthcare companies?
Best-in-class funds most likely:
Which sector is likely to experience the highest share price increase through reduced carbon emissions?
According to the Stockholm Resilience Centre, how many of the nine planetary boundaries have already been crossed as a result of human activity?
Which of the following principles of the UK Stewardship Code could be considered controversial?
As policies on ESG issues and financial regulation across countries reach maturity, which of the following is least likely to occur?
Which of the following is one of the six environmental factors in the “Materiality Map" by Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB)?
Philanthropy is most likely associated with:
Which of the following best describes a mature ESG regulatory framework? A government putting forward:
For developed markets, an increase in inequality between the richest and the poorest population of a country most likely results in:
According to market reviews conducted by the Global Sustainable Investment Alliance at the start of 2022, which of the following regions has the largest proportion of sustainable investing relative to total managed assets?
With reference to data security and customer privacy issues, a technology company in the research and development stage with no commercially marketed products is most likely to have:
With regards to the climate, financial materiality:
Which of the following is the most important type of diversity in a boardroom?
Third-party assessments that highlight events, behaviors, and practices that may lead to reputational and business risks and opportunities are best classified as:
To reflect weak governance of a private equity holding, an analyst's model should most likely include a reduction in the holding's:
Which of the following steps in the ESG rating process is most likely the earliest source of the dispersal of opinions between different ESG rating agencies?
Which of the following statements about proxy voting is most accurate? The majority of asset owners:
ESG engagement is a two-way dialogue to share perspectives between:
When portfolio managers upload their portfolios onto third-party ESG data provider online platforms, most of these platforms are capable of:
Which of the following ESG risks is most likely to impact sovereign debt?
Scorecards to assess ESG factors:
The Jevons paradox refers to:
According to a study by Berg, Koelbel, and Rigobon, the correlation of ESG ratings is:
Which of the following is most likely designed to promote consideration of environmental and social risks in investing?
Which of the following investor types most likely have the shortest investment time horizon?
The management gap best describes a risk that:
Which of the following events typically increases the discount rate in an investor's discounted cash flow (DCF) model? The investee company:
Offshoring is best categorized under which of the following social megatrends?
Which of the following environmental factors for infrastructure projects is most difficult to quantify?
Which of the following statements is most accurate? The Kyoto Protocol was created to:
Which of the following statements best describes the greenium?
The European Union (EU)'s Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism is best described as a(n):
Which of the following data are most likely the easiest to optimize in a portfolio?
Which of the following statements about social trends is most accurate?
When considering strategic asset allocation, would stranded asset risk most likely be a similar concern for fixed income and equity investors?
When constructing net zero portfolios, investors:
ESG disclosure among listed companies can be required by:
For sovereign debt, the predominant approach to ESG investing is most likely:
Some investment managers avoid integrating ESG analysis into their investment processes due to concerns that:
Which of the following ESG approaches is an investor in sovereign debt most likely to apply?
The Global Real Estate Sustainability Benchmark (GRESB) full benchmark report provides a GRESB score. The GRESB score includes and weights which of the following considerations?
Management, policy, and disclosure
Overall portfolio key performance indicator (KPI) performance
Which of the following statements about manager reporting on ESG integration is most accurate?
Compared to those of other countries, the UK corporate governance code has a more in-depth focus on:
For which of the following environmental megatrends are ordinary workers most likely to bear the cost?
When aligning investments with client ESG beliefs, which of the following ESG considerations should be reflected in the investment mandate dimension of the investment process?
When determining ESG investment mandates, an asset owner should consider:
According to the Taskforce on Nature-Related Financial Disclosures (TNFD), which of the following drivers of nature change can directly translate into a positive impact on circular economy principles?
Which of the following is an example of a stranded asset?
A company's reporting and transparency are initially led by its:
According to the Brunel Asset Management Accord, which of the following is least likely a cause for concern when conducting an annual performance evaluation of a manager against a long-term ESG investment mandate?
Which of the following is most likely an example of quantitative ESG analysis? Analyzing:
Climate sensitivity aims to describe:
With respect to ESG reporting by investment managers, the 2020 version of the UK Stewardship Code calls for more reporting on the:
According to the "Shades of Green" methodology developed by the Center for International Climate Research (CICERO), which of the following best categorizes a green bond where accurate assessment of the contribution of the project or solution to a low-carbon, climate-resilient future is not possible with the information available?
A disadvantage of the Global Real Estate Sustainability Benchmark (GRESB) framework is that it:
In the transition to a low-carbon economy, a coal-powered utility without a mitigation strategy will most likely pose the highest risk to its:
Scorecards for ESG analysis are most likely used to translate:
The launch of the European Green Deal in 2020 is intended to:
A meat-processing company does not sell its pork products in predominantly Muslim countries. Investing in the company on this basis would be considered an example of:
Are the following statements relating to investor engagement accurate?
Statement 1: Investors need to frame the engagement topic into a broader discussion around strategy and long-term financial performance with the management team.
Statement 2: Active investment houses are working to ensure that their portfolio managers can deliver stewardship alongside their regular monitoring of investee companies.
Compared to stewardship codes drafted by the fund management industry, stewardship codes with regulatory backing most likely place greater emphasis on:
An analyst gathers the following information about three investors' approaches to ESG integration:
The approach of which investor most likely raises the risk of greenwashing?
Which of the following most likely indicates strong corporate governance? A company board with:
The manager of a sovereign fund publishes a list of excluded companies with reasons for the divestments. This is most likely a form of:
Which of the following reporting practices by an investee company is most likely a red flag for an investor?
Which of the following is most likely a success factor characteristic of the engagement approach? Investors pursuing the engagement should have:
Regulations relating to ESG investing generally involve which of the following themes?
A fund focused on avoiding the worst ESG performers relative to industry peers is most likely engaged in:
Which of the following sectors receives the highest investment from the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 (IRA)?
Concerns about the capital structure and financial viability of an investee company are most likely reflected in an active investor's voting decisions in relation to:
Pension fund trustees are most likely to face fiduciary legal risks related to:
Under which perspective did the Freshfields Report argue that integrating ESG considerations was necessary in all jurisdictions?
Scopewashing is best described as a situation in which a company's management:
Which of the following statements about ESG integration in credit ratings is most accurate?
Technology and finance sectors are most likely to be underweighted when portfolios are screened for:
Human rights violations most likely occur:
An organization conducts assessments that highlight events, behaviors, and practices that may lead to reputational and business risks and opportunities. This organization is best classified as a provider of:
According to the International Corporate Governance Network (ICGN) Model Mandate:
An asset owner inquiring within a request for proposal (RFP) if the asset manager has an explicit objective to "generate a positive, measurable ESG outcome alongside a financial return" is most likely aligned with a(n):
According to the Stockholm Resilience Centre, which of the following planetary boundaries has been crossed as a result of human activity?