ESG Analysis Scorecards:
Scorecards for ESG analysis are tools used by investors to evaluate and compare the ESG performance of companies, particularly when third-party research or scores are not available.
1. Applicability: Scorecards can be used for both public and private companies. They provide a structured framework for assessing ESG factors and can be tailored to the specific context and data availability of the companies being evaluated. Thus, they are not limited to public companies alone.
2. Purpose and Use: Scorecards are particularly useful when third-party ESG research or scores are unavailable. They enable investors to conduct their own ESG assessments based on the criteria and metrics they deem important. This is often the case for smaller companies, private companies, or in markets where ESG data coverage is limited.
3. Country-Level Assessments: Scorecards can also be adapted for country-level assessments of sovereign bonds, although this is less common. They can include criteria relevant to the ESG performance of countries, such as governance quality, environmental policies, and social indicators.
References from CFA ESG Investing:
ESG Scorecards: The CFA Institute highlights the use of ESG scorecards as a practical tool for investors to conduct their own assessments when external ESG ratings or research are not available. This enables a more tailored and flexible approach to ESG integration.
Applicability and Flexibility: The CFA curriculum discusses the versatility of scorecards in evaluating both corporate and sovereign issuers, underscoring their utility in various contexts.
In conclusion, scorecards for ESG analysis are most likely used when third-party research or scores are not available, making option B the verified answer.