You're a Workspace Owner who recently launched Slack at your company. Google Calendar is one of the essential productivity apps used by everyone in the
company. You want to ensure that your colleagues can all access their Google Calendars from Slack.
What is the best way to enable the Google Calendar app for all members of your workspace?
(Select the best answer.)
You're the Primary Owner of your company’s Slack Business+ workspace. You need more assistance managing users and channels, so you task the Head of iT with these duties.
In order to be able to perform these duties, what is the role with the fewest
privileges that the Head of IT should be assigned?
(Select the best answer.)
Large Corp is shutting down its Marketing team based in Europe. Deprovisioning is supported through their IdP.
When Large Corp removes users from their IdP, what will happen to their Slack accounts?
You're a Workspace Admin looking to set up a user group for a new hire class your organization has recently hired.
What is a key benefit of setting up a user group for these individuals?