Microsoft Related Exams
77-427 Exam

Create a combo chart.
Cell range B4:I299 on "Montly_Billing" worksheet
Horizontal axis label range: "Date" (column D)
First data series range: All cells in "Duration" (column H) with a value of "Straatsma" in name (column C)
Second data series range: All cells in "Charge" (column I) with a value of "Straatsma" in name (column C)
Type: Combo Chart
"Duration" series: Clustered Column (Primary Axis)
"Charge" series: Line (Secondary Axis)
New Worksheet "Straatsma_Chart"
Primary Axis Bounds:
Minimum ("0.0")
Maximum ("8.0")
Secondary Axis Bounds:
Minimum ("2000.0")
Maximum ("4000.0")