Which 2 actions should the Project Manager take to implement the new Must
Have requirement?
The Marketing Director has insisted that detailed requirements for the new
coffee bar insurance web pages should be clearly defined in the early phases
of the project.
What action should the Project Manager take?
Answer the following questions about the DSDM Lifecycle.
Decide if each observation is an appropriate application of Agile Project Management for
this project and select the option that supports your decision.
When the project was in the Feasibility phase it was initially proposed by the Finance
Manager that it was a fixed price for a fixed specification' project. The Project Manager
has decided that the best way to tackle it would be to leave the development of the least
valuable features of the product until last.
Is this an appropriate application of the DSDM lifecycle?
Xan Insurance Company is a friendly company with no separate private offices
for individual managers. Staff members prefer to wander around the office
space and have one-to-one chats rather than use email or have lots of
What action should the Project Manager take when planning for effective
communication throughout the Web project?
Which 2 statements represent appropriate entries for the Prioritised
Requirements List?
Resources are limited. The Sales Manager has two marketing assistants who
may be able to give a few hours a week between them to the project.
What action should the Project Manager take?
Which 2 actions should the Workshop Facilitator take to implement the new
Must Have requirement?
Which 2 actions should the Technical Coordinator take to implement the new
Must Have requirement?
An external web developer is to be contracted to create the new coffee bar
insurance area on the existing web site. The chosen web developer will only
agree to work on a 'fixed price for a fixed specification' contract.
What action should the Project Manager take?
Xan Insurance Company operates from one location - a large, open-plan
office in the centre of a city. Those employees that will be working within the
Solution Development Team are all based in this office but work at different
ends of the office in separate departments.
What action should the Project Manager suggest to ensure the most effective
collaboration of the Solution Development Team?
Which 2 actions should the Team Leader take to implement the new Must
Have requirement?
Which 2 statements represent appropriate entries for the plan for Post-Project
Answer the following questions about the contents of the DSDM
Each of the following questions includes true statements about the project
but only two statements are appropriate entries for the DSDM product
Remember to limit your answers to the number of selections requested in
each question.
Which 2 statements represent appropriate entries for the Business Case?
Several of the web developers working on the project have no Agile
experience. When answering the questions in the Project Approach
Questionnaire (PAQ), the Project Manager could not agree with the statement
'all members of the project understand and accept the DSDM approach'.
What action should the Project Manager take?
As time goes by, there is an increase in Customer Services staff asking questions about how their skills development will be supported under the new structure and how they will influence decisions about the projects they will be assigned to work on.
Which is the MOST appropriate response from the Customer Service Director?
Which 2 actions demonstrate empathy?
The Applications Manager agreed to the acquisition by UniCo because they knew that growing Selco needed more investment than they could raise and that they personally didn’t have the skill set to move from technical leader to business leader.
Which preference does this behavior BEST display?
The Customer Services Manager used to work in a call center, answering customer calls. Concerned for staff wellness, this manager has decided to invite anyone who is finding the changes overwhelming to contact them directly so that they can arrange appropriate support.
Which preference does this behavior BEST display?
Most of the Customer Services staff are working with the new processes. However, there are a number of remaining staff who don’t want to be trained in the new technologies and wish to continue supporting the old business areas.
Which is the MOST appropriate intervention from the Customer Service Director?
Sales staff are unhappy that they have been told that they will lose the Sales relaxation area completely to make space for the new Selco staff. The Sales staff are considering consulting their Union about escalating their discontent.
Which 2 actions by the Sales Director are the MOST appropriate when responding to this type of resistance?
Using the information provided in the additional information, answer the following question on building a change analytics strategy.
Are the measures and source data to be monitored by the Human Resources and Facilities Manager likely to have any of the limitations of data analytics?
Which participant characteristic is likely to be the MOST appropriate to the success of a workshop to design a process?
Which 2 actions demonstrate connectivity?
For cognitive learning, which is the BEST example of providing 'learning feedback'?
Using the additional information provided for this question in the Scenario Booklet, answer the following question about the actions the Sales Director should
take to develop an effective Sales management team, according to the five dysfunctions that characterize an ineffective team identified by Patrick Lencioni.
Lines 1 to 4 in the table below consist of an assertion statement and a reason statement. For each line identify the appropriate option, from options A to E, that applies.
Each option can be used once, more than once or not at all.
When receiving instruction on practical skills, which approach is MOST valuable to the learner?
Which Facilities stakeholder is MOST likely to be placed within the ‘external’ segment for the relocation work of the Operational delivery processes workstream?
Which statement should be recorded under the Change Management Team and Relationships heading?
Which 2 actions should the Workshop Facilitator take when preparing for the workshop?
Find out who is responsible for challenging the priority of requirements and deal with them accordingly.
Answer the following questions about the use of the Agile principles.
Final checks carried out on the rooms delivered in Timebox A show that two of the items do NOT meet the required Must Have standards related to the use of traditional
wall coverings and paints. These items have therefore been recognised as NOT delivered and will have to be re-planned.
Which Agile principle MOST influences this course of action?
Answer the following questions about the acceptance criteria within the project.
Decide whether the approach to setting and using acceptance criteria has been applied appropriately and select the response that supports your decision.
At the beginning of Solution Development Timebox A, the Timebox is being
planned in detail. Although Foundations was conducted at a high level, the
Prioritised Requirements List was baselined. Now the Solution Development
Team is setting detailed acceptance criteria against each requirement.
Is this an appropriate approach to setting detailed acceptance criteria?
The Business Sponsor threatened to stop funding if there was no evidence of tangible progress. To reduce this risk, the Business Sponsor was invited to several walk-
rounds of the new bedroom and en-suite bathroom facilities throughout the project.
Is this an appropriate application of Agile Project Management for this project?
A three-month timeframe has been specified to catch the seasonal sales window.
Which Agile principle MOST influences this course of action?
Review sessions have been scheduled at end of Investigation, Refinement and Consolidation for the later Timeboxes to ensure that the mistakes made in Timebox A do not
happen again.
Which Agile principle MOST influences this course of action?
Column 1 is a list of actions taken within the project. For each action in Column 1, select from Column 2 the iterative development activity that the action represents. Each selection from Column 2 can be used once, more than once or not at all.
Column 1:
1.The Solution Development Team cleared and prepared the area, ready for the bar infrastructure to be installed.
2.The Gardener decided the order in which the flowers would be planted in the borders and jotted it down in a notebook.
3.Before the Solution Development Team built the infrastructure for the bar area, the Architect pointed out what was required.
4.The Architect checked with the decorators that tasks had been completed to a satisfactory standard, and agreed a list of items that needed further coats of paint or cleaning up.
5.The Gardener began planting the borders and has placed an order for further bulbs to complete this task.
Column 2:
A) Thought
B) Action
C) Conversation
Using the Project Scenario and the additional information provided for
this question in the Scenario Booklet, answer the following questions
about Feasibility.
Remember to limit your answers to the number of selections requested in each
Which 2 statements describe the appropriate application of Agile Project
Management when developing the Feasibility Assessment?
Using the Project Scenario and the additional information provided for
this question in the Scenario Booklet, answer the following questions
about Feasibility.
Remember to limit your answers to the number of selections requested in each
Which 2 statements describe the appropriate application of Agile Project
Management when developing the Delivery Plan?
There are several tests planned throughout the project to ensure the solution is fit for purpose and to validate the business solution as
it evolves.
Column 1 is a list of tests. For each test in Column 1, select from Column 2 the testing concept that it represents. Each selection from Column 2
can be used once, more than once or not at all.
Column 1
1) In order to get an objective
view, the financial transaction
function is to be tested by
someone from Finance who
has had no involvement in its
2) Before the developer works on
the printing function for the
policy documents, the Sales
Manager will review a prototype
of the online application form
for the new coffee shop
insurance product with the
solution tester.
3) Security test scripts have been
provided by the company's
bank. These scripts will be used
to test the link from the
company's website to the
banking system, which is to be
developed specifically to achieve these tests
The addition of the new coffee
shop insurance product may
threaten the stability of the
existing website. As a primary
route to market this is
unacceptable. The website's
capacity to run additional pages
is to be verified before any
other tests are performed.
The Must Have and Should
Have requirements are to be
tested before the Could Have
Column 2
Collaborative Testing
Repeatable Testing
Independent Testing
Prioritised Testing
Test-Driven Development
Using the Project Scenario and the additional information provided for
this question in the Scenario Booklet, answer the following questions
about Feasibility.
Remember to limit your answers to the number of selections requested in each
Which 2 statements describe the appropriate application of Agile Project Management when producing an Outline Business Case to support the Feasibility Assessment?