Review sessions have been scheduled at end of Investigation, Refinement and Consolidation for the later Timeboxes to ensure that the mistakes made in Timebox A do not
happen again.
Which Agile principle MOST influences this course of action?
Using the Project Scenario answer the following question about the technical quality of the solution to be delivered. An assessment of the maintenance requirement for the new reservation system was made during Feasibility.
Column 1 describes a list of different types of hotel reservation systems considered. Column 2 lists the three DSDM maintainability objectives. For each description in Column 1, select from Column 2 the maintainability objective it would support.
Each selection from Column 2 can be used once, more than once or not at all.
Column 1:
1. Off-the-shelf software with ready-to-use templates that will need to be customised to fully
meet Hoy Hall requirements, after deployment.
2. Developing a fully functioning in-house system, developed and hosted by Architecture
Angels IT Operations team.
3. All-in-one web-based reservation and accommodation management system built to Hoy Hall's
4. All bookings for Hoy Hall to be scheduled by one of the other two hotels within the group,
until a suitable system can be implemented at the site.
5. A spreadsheet is used to capture customer details manually. Data will then be exported into a fully functional system at a later date.
Column 2
Maintainability is a required attribute of the initial delivered solution
Deliver first, re-engineer later
Short-term, tactical solution
How should the Project Manager assist the plumbers to deliver the plumbing?
The Timebox to deliver the online reservation system through the Hoy Hall website has experienced a major issue. During Timebox C a test was completed to
simulate an attack on the financial element of the online reservation system, with the intention of finding security weaknesses. It was found that it was
potentially possible to gain access to the system, its functionality and data. Further work is therefore needed to meet the information security elements of a
customer financial transaction.
Answer the following question about the actions to be taken by each role.
Column 1 describes a list of actions related to dealing with the security issue with the hotel reservation system. Column 2 lists the key roles. For each action in Column 1,
select from Column 2 the role that should carry out the action.
Each selection from Column 2 can be used once, more than once or not at all.
Column 1
Advise how the legislation on the transfer of data will affect the requirements
and the system.
Agree the changes needed to the corporate technical architecture with the
Architecture Angels IT support team.
Ensure the information security vulnerability is communicated to the AA Head
Office IT Director.
Evaluate the impact of proposed security controls on the business and decide
on the most suitable solution.
Reprioritise the requirements on the Prioritised Requirements List associated
with the security issue.
Column 2
Project Manager
Business Sponsor
Business Visionary
Technical Coordinator
Business Analyst
Team Leader
Business Ambassador
Solution Developer