The Business Sponsor threatened to stop funding if there was no evidence of tangible progress. To reduce this risk, the Business Sponsor was invited to several walk-
rounds of the new bedroom and en-suite bathroom facilities throughout the project.
Is this an appropriate application of Agile Project Management for this project?
A three-month timeframe has been specified to catch the seasonal sales window.
Which Agile principle MOST influences this course of action?
Review sessions have been scheduled at end of Investigation, Refinement and Consolidation for the later Timeboxes to ensure that the mistakes made in Timebox A do not
happen again.
Which Agile principle MOST influences this course of action?
Column 1 is a list of actions taken within the project. For each action in Column 1, select from Column 2 the iterative development activity that the action represents. Each selection from Column 2 can be used once, more than once or not at all.
Column 1:
1.The Solution Development Team cleared and prepared the area, ready for the bar infrastructure to be installed.
2.The Gardener decided the order in which the flowers would be planted in the borders and jotted it down in a notebook.
3.Before the Solution Development Team built the infrastructure for the bar area, the Architect pointed out what was required.
4.The Architect checked with the decorators that tasks had been completed to a satisfactory standard, and agreed a list of items that needed further coats of paint or cleaning up.
5.The Gardener began planting the borders and has placed an order for further bulbs to complete this task.
Column 2:
A) Thought
B) Action
C) Conversation