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PECB GDPR Exam With Confidence Using Practice Dumps

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PECB Certified Data Protection Officer
Last Updated:
Mar 14, 2025
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GDPR: Privacy And Data Protection Exam 2025 Study Guide Pdf and Test Engine

Are you worried about passing the PECB GDPR (PECB Certified Data Protection Officer) exam? Download the most recent PECB GDPR braindumps with answers that are 100% real. After downloading the PECB GDPR exam dumps training , you can receive 99 days of free updates, making this website one of the best options to save additional money. In order to help you prepare for the PECB GDPR exam questions and verified answers by IT certified experts, CertsTopics has put together a complete collection of dumps questions and answers. To help you prepare and pass the PECB GDPR exam on your first attempt, we have compiled actual exam questions and their answers. 

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PECB Certified Data Protection Officer Questions and Answers

Question 1


Aclinical research organizationcollects and processessensitive personal dataof individuals formedical research purposes. The data isencrypted and stored in a central database using a one-way hashing function (bcrypt). The organization conducted arisk assessmentto identify andmitigate risks.


Should aDPIA be conductedin this case?



Yes, a DPIA should be conducted whensensitive personal data of vulnerable personsis collected, based on theidentified risk from the risk assessment.


No, because the personal datais encrypted.


No, because the organizationhas already conducted a risk assessment.


Yes, but only if the data isretained for more than five years.

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Question 2


What is therole of the European Data Protection Board (EDPB)?



Tosupervise and monitorthe application of GDPR within the EU.


Toadvise the European Commissionregarding data protection issues in the EU.


Tonegotiate and adopt EU lawsas per the proposals from the European Commission.


Toconduct audits on organizationssuspected of GDPR violations.

Question 3


Recpond is a German employment recruiting company. Their services are delivered globally and include consulting and staffing solutions. In the beginning. Recpond provided its services through an office in Germany. Today, they have grown to become one of the largest recruiting agencies,providing employment to more than 500,000 people around the world. Recpond receives most applications through its website. Job searchers are required to provide the job title and location. Then, a list of job opportunities is provided. When a job position is selected, candidates are required to provide their contact details and professional work experience records. During the process, they are informed that the information will be used only for the purposes and period determined by Recpond. Recpond's experts analyze candidates' profiles and applications and choose the candidates that are suitable for the job position. The list of the selected candidates is then delivered to Recpond's clients, who proceed with the recruitment process. Files of candidates that are not selected are stored in Recpond's databases, including the personal data of candidates who withdraw the consent on which the processing was based. When the GDPR came into force, the company was unprepared. The top management appointed a DPO and consulted him for all data protection issues. The DPO, on the other hand, reported the progress of all data protection activities to the top management. Considering the level of sensitivity of the personal data processed by Recpond, the DPO did not have direct access to the personal data of all clients, unless the top management deemed it necessary. The DPO planned the GDPR implementation by initially analyzing the applicable GDPR requirements. Recpond, on the other hand, initiated a risk assessment to understand the risks associated with processing operations. The risk assessment was conducted based on common risks that employment recruiting companies face. After analyzing different risk scenarios, the level of risk was determined and evaluated. The results were presented to the DPO, who then decided to analyze only the risks that have a greater impact on the company. The DPO concluded that the cost required for treating most of the identified risks was higher than simply accepting them. Based on this analysis, the DPO decided to accept the actual level of the identified risks. After reviewing policies and procedures of the company. Recpond established a new data protection policy. As proposed by the DPO, the information security policy was also updated. These changes were then communicated to all employees of Recpond.Based on this scenario, answer the following question:


Recpondstores files of candidates who are not selectedin its databases,even if they withdraw consent. Is this acceptable under GDPR?



No, the GDPR requires the controller to erase personal data if the data subject withdraws their consent for data processing.


Yes, the GDPR only requires the controller tostop processing the datawhen consent is withdrawn but does not require its deletion.


Yes, the GDPR allows personal data to be processedeven after consent is withdrawnso organizations can use the data for future recruitment opportunities.


No, Recpond must retain candidate data for statistical analysis but must anonymize it.