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Scrum SPS Dumps

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Total 40 questions

Scaled Professional Scrum (SPS) Exam Questions and Answers

Question 1

The purpose of Nexus Sprint Planning is to:

(choose the best two answers)



Coordinate the activities of all the Scrum Teams in a Nexus.


Discover all the dependencies between Product Backlog items.


Ensure all teams are committing to the right work.


Create a plan for the Sprint.

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Question 2

Scenario C: Dependencies and Product Backlog items

During Nexus Sprint Planning, representatives from each of the 9-member Scrum Teams

identify many dependencies. This makes it hard for them to choose the work they could pull

into their individual teams for the next Sprint. No matter how they reorganize the Product

Backlog items, they continually find more or new dependencies.

What should the Scrum Teams do to effectively deal with their dependencies?

(choose the best answer)



Increase the frequency of Cross-Team Refinement to reduce dependencies.


Merge the two Scrum Teams together that have the most dependencies with each



Institute quarterly meetings for planning out all dependencies between teams.


All of the above.

Question 3

Four teams in a Nexus typically integrate their work only once, late in the Sprint. The teams

report that it takes many hours or days to integrate their work, which delays the Sprint's end. To

address this issue, which of the following would help?

(choose the best answer)



Integrating more frequently.


Doing more acceptance testing.


Doing more exploratory testing.


Using Behavior-Driven Development.


Investing in more Requirements Traceability.


All of the above.

Question 4

The purpose of the Nexus Integration Team is to:

(choose the best two answers)



Raise transparency.


Manage the Nexus.


Be accountable that an Integrated Increment is produced.


Integrate the work of the Scrum Teams.

Question 5

If two Scrum Teams are added to a product that previously had only one Scrum Team, what will

be the immediate impact on the productivity of the original Scrum Team?

(choose the best answer)



Its productivity is likely to stay the same.


Its productivity is likely to decrease.


Its productivity is likely to increase.

Question 6

How should multiple Scrum Teams deliver a valuable and useful Increment in a Sprint?

(choose the best answer)



Each Scrum Team delivers done Increments of its own area of responsibility. These

Increments are integrated into a whole product during stabilization prior to release.


Each Scrum Team provides a unique done Increment that includes the team's added



Each Sprint, all Scrum Teams complete work that integrates with all of the other work

from other Scrum Teams on the initiative.


Functionality not integrated with the work of other Scrum Teams may be delivered as

unintegrated Increments to demonstrate the value created by the Scrum Teams

unable to completely integrate their Increments.

Question 7

Scenario B: Six Team Nexus with complex dependencies

A six team Nexus is developing a complex product, with different parts of the product that only

certain Scrum Teams can work on. In fact, there are some highly specialized individuals outside

the Nexus that are required for some of the work. In past Sprints the Nexus encountered

challenges dealing with the many dependencies between Scrum Teams.

Some individual Scrum Teams in this Nexus have said that they do not see how the work they

are doing is contributing to the product's progress. What is the best remedy for this situation?

(choose the best answer)



During Nexus Sprint Planning, have all the teams plan the Sprint together in one

room, so they can see what other teams are working on.


During Nexus Sprint Planning, ensure that all Scrum Teams understand the Nexus

Sprint Goal.


Ask the Scrum Master to explain to the teams that the Product Owner can choose

which features to work on, as she has the final say.


During Nexus Sprint Planning, ask each Scrum Team to create a Sprint Goal that

describes the purpose of the Sprint.

Question 8

From the list below, what is the most important concern for multiple Scrum Teams when they

are working from the same Product Backlog?

(choose the best answer)



Meeting original scope projections.


Minimizing dependencies between teams.


Clear definition of requirements.


Making sure there is enough work for everyone on every team.

Question 9

Scenario A: Nexus Sprint Review with Five Scrum Teams

There are five Scrum Teams working on a product. During the Nexus Sprint Review, the teams

present the results of the Sprint. After introductions, each team takes time to present their work

for inspection by individually showing the new features they have built. They are not using a

shared environment. The stakeholders do not provide much feedback. The event ends and

people filter out of the room.

What could help this Nexus create a single Integrated Increment for inspection at the Nexus

Sprint Review?

(choose the best answer)



Reserve the last few days of the Sprint for testing and integration.


Enforce a Definition of Done across the entire Nexus that includes integration.


Have the Nexus Integration Team integrate all the work as early as possible.


Have a Sprint dedicated to integration.

Question 10

Scenario A: Nexus Sprint Review with Five Scrum Teams

There are five Scrum Teams working on a product. During the Nexus Sprint Review, the teams

present the results of the Sprint. After introductions, each team takes time to present their work

for inspection by individually showing the new features they have built. They are not using a

shared environment. The stakeholders do not provide much feedback. The event ends and

people filter out of the room.

If this pattern of Nexus Sprint Reviews continues for multiple Sprints, what may be the effects?

(choose the best two answers)



There will be more and more work to inspect so teams will need their own

individual Sprint Reviews.


Quality will degrade as the teams delay creating a single Integrated Increment.


Empiricism will suffer as the teams cannot produce a shared velocity.


Ability to adapt will suffer as the stakeholders continue to disengage and not

give feedback.

Question 11

Scenario B: Six Team Nexus with complex dependencies

A six team Nexus is developing a complex product, with different parts of the product that only

certain Scrum Teams can work on. In fact, there are some highly specialized individuals outside

the Nexus that are required for some of the work. In past Sprints the Nexus encountered

challenges dealing with the many dependencies between Scrum Teams.

Which of the following practices could this Nexus try in order to conduct Nexus Sprint Planning

more effectively?

(choose the best two answers)



Ensure all Scrum Teams and outside experts are available during the Nexus

Sprint Planning event and have a way of quickly communicating with each other.

They should try to be together in the same room or use technology that makes it

seem as if they are in the same room.


Plan one Scrum Team's Sprint at a time before moving on to the next team. This

way you can account for time zone differences and can communicate

dependencies across all teams.


Have the Nexus Integration Team select the work for each of the individual

Scrum Teams. This allows the Nexus Integration Team to control the



Visualize the known dependencies in the Product Backlog for all to see. As

Scrum Teams select work for the Sprint, they can easily check for any

dependent work and communicate with other teams.

Question 12

Who has overall responsibility for ensuring Nexus Sprint Retrospective occurs?

(choose the best answer)



The Scrum Master on the Nexus Integration Team.


Any Scrum Master from the Nexus.


The Nexus Integration Team.


The Developers.

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