During a security assessment, a penetration tester decides to implement a simple TCP port scanner to check the open ports from 1000 to 2000. Which of the following Python scripts would achieve this task?
During an engagement, a penetration tester was able to upload to a server a PHP file with the following content:
php system ($_POST['cmd']) ?>
Which of the following commands should the penetration tester run to successfully achieve RCE?
A penetration tester performs several Nmap scans against the web application for a client.
Click on the WAF and servers to review the results of the Nmap scans. Then click on
each tab to select the appropriate vulnerability and remediation options.
If at any time you would like to bring back the initial state of the simulation, please
click the Reset All button.
Given the following code:
$p = (80, 110, 25)
$network = (192.168.0)
$range = 1 .. 254
$ErrorActionPreference = 'silentlycontinue'
$Foreach ($add in $range)
$Foreach ($x in $p)
{ {$ip = "{0} . {1} -F $network, $add"
If (Test-Connection -BufferSize 32 -Count 1 -quiet -ComputerName $ip)
{$socket = new-object System.Net. Sockets. TcpClient (&ip, $x)
If ($socket. Connected) { $ip $p open"
$socket. Close () }
Which of the following tasks could be accomplished with the script?