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Newly Released CIMA E2 Exam PDF

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Managing Performance Questions and Answers

Question 21

John is a young management accountant who, after completing his examinations recently, was put in charge of a small established accounts department.


At his first progress review with his superior, he was very confident and enthusiastic about numerous initiatives. John expressed disappointment that his staff were so reactionary and uncooperative.


It would seem most of the staff reporting to John are dissatisfied about his leadership. The younger ones are frightened of him and they say he his always in a hurry. The older ones who have worked in the department for years are worried about John's risky decisions. Others resent him and are frustrated that John never listens to their ideas.


Which behaviour should John adopt to improve motivation in the department?



John should dismiss the older staff and send the younger staff on training and take on an autocratic style of management.


John should create time for one to ones with his staff and take on a participative style of management. Improving communication with regular briefings.


John should not do anything as he will see things settle down over time and take on a more laissez-faire style of management.


John should hire some external business consultants to overhaul the working practices and find solutions to get the department back on track.

Question 22

W is the supervisor of the house-keeping team in a large hotel. X, a member of the team, is consistently late to work which means that other team members have to perform extra work. A number of team members have also complained to W about X's aggressive behaviour. Two months ago W spoke to X informally about these issues and for a short period things improved.


But it is now clear that X is again displaying unacceptable behaviour and upsetting colleagues. W knows further action must now be taken to deal with the situation.


With reference to the disciplinary process, which is the best course of action for W to take?



Write a formal letter to X stating that if the unacceptable behaviour does not stop immediately X will be dismissed without further notice.


Issue a formal verbal warning via a formal interview, with a record of the interview kept on file.


Reduce the paid hours allocated to X as a temporary punishment until the behaviour improves.


Speak to X informally in a private office and ask that X improves their behaviour and apologises to colleagues.

Question 23

Many analysts and researchers have written about understanding resistance in order to bring about successful and enduring changes in an organisation.


One writer wrote that "An issue is held in balance by the interaction of two opposing sets of forces - those seeking to promote change (driving forces) and those attempting to maintain the status quo (restraining forces)".


Select this writer.



Kurt Lewin


John Kotter


Rosabeth Kanter


Peter Drucker

Question 24

A manager is introducing a new bonus scheme into the business that will affect ail employees.

Using Likert's model he follows a benevolent authoritative style of management.

Which of the following best describes the way he introduced the new bonus scheme?



He made the decision to introduce the new scheme and enforced it ctcross the business with no discussion or debate.


He makes the decision to introduce the new scheme and sells the idea to employees in order to get buy-in.


He asks for suggestions on whether to introduce the scheme but makes the final decision


He allows staff to make the decision but offers support and advice.

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Total 185 questions