Microsoft Related Exams
77-727 Exam

Project 1 of 7: Tailspin Toys
You recently opened an online toy store. You have sold products to 500 individual customers. You are evaluating customer data and order data.
On the “Customers” worksheet, enter a formula in cell N2 that uses an Excel function to return the average age of the customers based on the values in the “CurrentAge” column.
Project 1 of 7: Tailspin Toys
You recently opened an online toy store. You have sold products to 500 individual customers. You are evaluating customer data and order data.
On the “Products” worksheet, apply a number format to display the numbers in the “Weight” column to three decimal places.
Project 2 of 7: Donor List
You are an executive assistant for a non-profit organization named Bellows College. You are updating a workbook containing lists of donors.
Add a new worksheet named “$1,000 Donors” to the workbook.