What are the 6 methods available for user authentication?
Local Database: The user name and password in their user record in the instance database.
Multifactor: The user name and password in the database and passcode sent to the user's mobile device that has Google Authenticator installed
LDAP: The user name and password are accessed via LDAP in the corporate directory, which has a matching user account in the database.
SAML 2.0: The user name and password configured in a SAML identity provider account, which has a matching user account in the database.
OAuth 2.0: The user name and password of OAuth identity provider, which has a matching user account in the database.
Digest Token: An encrypted digest of the user name and password in the user record.
Which tool is used to have conversations with logged-in users in real-time?
Connect Chat
Now Messenger
User Presence
A group is stored in which table?
Group[user group]
Data Policy can enforce mandatory data on import.