Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Authorization Policy Manager
Managing Security Artifacts
This chapter describes the procedures an administrator follows to manage application-specific security artifacts, view the external role hierarchy, manage the application role hierarchy, andmanage the many-to-many mapping of application roles to external roles from both the application and the external role point of view.
This chapter is divided into the following sections:
Managing Application Security Artifacts
Viewing the External Role Hierarchy
Managing the Application Role Hierarchy
Mapping Application Roles to an External Role
Mapping External Roles to an Application Role
Role Mapping Policy
A Role Mapping Policy is used to determinewhat external subjects(users, groups orExternal Roles) are assigned to the applicable Application Role. The Application Role, when referenced in an Authorization Policy, defines the principals affected by the Authorization Policy. Role Mapping Policies may also include conditions
Oracle Identity Manager –Not used for mapping application roles to external roles
How do Users Interact with Oracle Identity Manager?
Oracle Identity Manager provides an end-user interface, called the Identity Self Service console, and a system administrator interface, called the Identity System Administration console. Both end-users and system administrators use the web browser to log on to Oracle Identity Manager. Oracle Identity Manager (OIM)
OIM provision users, roles, and defines what a user can do in Oracle Cloud
Duty Roles are mapped to jobs and assigned access privileges (Data Security)