Explanation: Explanation
As a general rule: After having gone through the practice tests you probably have a good feeling for what classifies as a wide and what classifies as a narrow transformation. If you are unsure, feel
free to play around in Spark and display the explanation of the Spark execution plan via DataFrame.[operation, for example sort()].explain(). If repartitioning is involved, it would count as a wide
Correct! A wide transformation includes a shuffle, meaning that an input partition maps to one or more output partitions. This is expensive and causes traffic across the cluster. With the select()
operation however, you pass commands to Spark that tell Spark to perform an operation on a specific slice of any partition. For this, Spark does not need to exchange data across partitions, each
partition can be worked on independently. Thus, you do not cause a wide transformation.
Incorrect. When you repartition a DataFrame, you redefine partition boundaries. Data will flow across your cluster and end up in different partitions after the repartitioning is completed. This is
known as a shuffle and, in turn, is classified as a wide transformation.
No. When you aggregate, you may compare and summarize data across partitions. In the process, data are exchanged across the cluster, and newly formed output partitions depend on one or more
input partitions. This is a typical characteristic of a shuffle, meaning that the aggregate operation may classify as a wide transformation.
Wrong. Joining multiple DataFrames usually means that large amounts of data are exchanged across the cluster, as new partitions are formed. This is a shuffle and therefore DataFrame.join()
counts as a wide transformation.
False. When sorting, Spark needs to compare many rows across all partitions to each other. This is an expensive operation, since data is exchanged across the cluster and new partitions are
formed as data is reordered. This process classifies as a shuffle and, as a result, DataFrame.sort() counts as wide transformation.
More info: Understanding Apache Spark Shuffle | Philipp Brunenberg