Monetize Android Applications
Training Skills for Android ATC Certified Trainer
Android Application Development v8
Android Security Essentials
Android Applications UI-UX Design and Monetization Techniques
Flutter Certified Application Developer
What is the validity of the data stored through shared preferences?
Data is deleted when application is closed.
Data is deleted when application is paused by pressing home button.
Data gets deleted when application is uninstalled.
Both "Data is deleted when application is closed" and "Data is deleted when application is paused bypressing home button" are correct.
Broadcast Intents is a mechanism which allows messages to be sent to
Various Activity
Various services
Various Intents
Various Applications
Which of the following is NOT true about “hasCode” attribute of tag?
Its default value is true.
When the value is false, the system does not try to load any application code when launching components.
There is no such attribute “hasCode” because every application contains some code and settings falsecannot be an option.
It is only possible that an application would not have any code of its own, in case it is using nothing but builtincomponent classes.