Which of the following methods can be used to extract licence information from rights object?
Which of the following is NOT true about the persistent attribute?
Broadcast Intents is a mechanism which allows messages to be sent to
What is the recommended use of BaseColumns._ID in SQLite database?
What are the permissions which are granted automatically without user’s approval called?
Which of the following is NOT true about the “killAfterRestore” attribute of the <application> tag?
Which of the following is NOT true about “hasCode” attribute of <application> tag?
What is the validity of the data stored through shared preferences?
Which of the following in NOT true about setting the attribute installLocation to value “internalOnly”? (Choose
What does the following line of code do?
FileOutputStream fOut = openFileOutput("MyFile.txt", MODE_WORLD_READABLE);
When are permissions enforced in Activities?
Which one of the following is NOT true about “taskAffinity”?
In which form the data is stored using shared preferences?
Which of the following is NOT a component of the DRM system?
What is the visibility or accessibility level of the preference file created by application?
Service is an Android component which runs in the background to perform background task.