Code Segment Analysis:
The AL code is trying to read JSON data from a response and process it to extract subcontracting order numbers. It uses JsonToken, JsonObject, and JsonArray to work with the JSON data.
JToken.ReadFrom(Data): This line reads the incoming JSON data and converts it into a token. It processes the full JSON body so you can start working with it.
JToken.SelectToken("results"): This line selects the part of the JSON containing the results array. The key "results" is where the JSON response data is expected to be found.
JsonArray: Once the results are extracted, they are stored as an array, and each element in the array (which is expected to contain subcontracting order numbers) is processed.
SubcontractingOrderNo: The extracted order_no from the JSON is stored in this variable.
Breakdown of Steps:
JToken.ReadFrom(Data): This step reads the entire JSON response.
JToken.SelectToken("results"): This step selects the results array from the JSON response.
JArray.AsArray(): This step converts the selected results token into a JSON array that can be iterated over.
GetValueAsText(JToken, 'order_no'): This step retrieves the order_no from each element in the array.
Correct Code Completion:
JToken.ReadFrom(Data): This is the correct method to read the incoming JSON response, as it will convert the string into a JsonToken that can be further processed.
JToken.SelectToken("results"): This is the correct method to extract the results array from the token. This method looks for the key "results" in the JSON and retrieves the relevant array.
Final Code Segment:
Copy code
procedure ReadJsonData(Data: text)
JToken: JsonToken;
JObject: JsonObject;
JArray: JsonArray;
SubcontractingOrderNo: Code[20];
if Data = '' then
JToken := JToken.ReadFrom(Data); // Step 1: Read the JSON response data.
JToken := JToken.SelectToken('results'); // Step 2: Select the "results" array.
JArray := JToken.AsArray(); // Convert the token into a JSON array.
foreach JToken in JArray do begin
SubcontractingOrderNo := GetValueAsText(JToken, 'order_no'); // Retrieve the order number.
JToken.ReadFrom(Data): This reads the raw JSON data string and converts it into a JSON token that can be processed.
JToken.SelectToken("results"): This extracts the results array from the JSON data.
JArray.AsArray(): Converts the token into an array so we can iterate over it.
GetValueAsText(JToken, 'order_no'): Extracts the order_no value from each item in the array.