The team stops regularly to:
inspect the quality of its outcomes
adapt its processes to more effectively produce outcomes.
This clearly demonstrates the team is working in an:
The team is expanding and refining customer scenarios as the solution components are being developed. This is an application of the following agile business analysis principle:
While discussing the Business Analysis Approach, decisions are made about which methodology or approach to use for the initiative being considered. These discussions are happening at the:
The delivery team is:
prioritizing the backlog
focusing on stories that deliver maximum value first
maximizing the work not done.
These demonstrate application of the following agile business analysis principle:
The team is very busy working on a top priority initiative. They have delivered many user stories and have many left to complete. However the components they are delivering are not yet delivering end-to-end business value. How can the team maintain understanding of the big picture without getting lost in the details?
During a team meeting, the team discuss a technique where real or perceived benefits to the customer, direct costs and opportunity costs are assessed. Which technique are they discussing?
When recommending solution options at the Initiative Horizon, the team decides that their goal is to provide decision makers with:
During a project to improve efficiency at a customer service center, the product owner has established that a 15% improvement from the start on each of a specific set of 5 measures is the
target for a particular initiative. They meet this goal and move on to a new initiative. Having a metric and a target helped them do what activity?
A practice common to most agile approaches is to require that the items in the product backlog that are targeted to be delivered next, are:
The delivery team is reviewing information that starts with a broad view of the solution components and drills down to a level of granularity, including acceptance criteria, that supports solution build activities. The team is using the following technique:
In the past, a team has been unable to deliver solutions in a timely manner and they feel this is due to the customer being unable to decide what they want. The team has decided to ask the customer to “sign-off” on their requirements. This violates the following value statement:
A team demonstrating the following characteristics:
Expects rapid change
Incorporates learning & feedback
Has a preference for shorter time frames
Treats plans as testable hypothesis
is following planning practices that are described as: