You work as a Penetration Tester for the Infosec Inc. Your company takes the projects of security auditing. Recently, your company has assigned you a project to test the security of the we-aresecure. com Website. The Web server is using Linux operating system. When you port scanned the Web server, you got that TCP port 23, 25, and 53 are open. When you tried to telnet to port 23, you got a blank screen in response. When you tried to type the dir, copy, date, del, etc. commands you got only blank spaces or underscores symbols on the screen. What may be the reason of such unwanted situation?
John works as a Professional Penetration Tester. He has been assigned a project to test the Website security of Inc. On the We-are-secure Website login page, he enters= 'or''=' as a username and successfully logs on to the user page of the Web site. Now, John asks the we-are-secure Inc. to improve the login page PHP script. Which of the following suggestions can John give to improve the security of the we-are-secure Website login page from the SQL injection attack?
You work as a Penetration Tester for the Infosec Inc. Your company takes the projects of security auditing. Recently, your company has assigned you a project to test the security of the we-aresecure. com Web site. For this, you want to perform the idle scan so that you can get the ports open in the server. You are using Hping tool to perform the idle scan by using a zombie computer. While scanning, you notice that every IPID is being incremented on every query, regardless whether the ports are open or close. Sometimes, IPID is being incremented by more than one value. What may be the reason?
Which of the following standards is used in wireless local area networks (WLANs)?