Sales reps at UC were facing governor limits while configuring certain large bundles, theadmin at UC has set the ‘enable large configurations package settings to TRUE now theusers are experiencing longer loading times between saving a bundle configuration andreturning to the quote line editor,even for smaller bundles.what should the admin do toresolve this issue?
What is the most Scalable way to set the legal Entityon the Order Product and OrderProduct Consumption Schedule?
You are implementing the Design Document for a large Enterprise Revenue Cloudprojecthaving multiple lookup price rules supporting a complex pricing requirement in the Buildphase. During construction the customer discovers additional logic and external datastores that need to be incorporated in order to achieve the correct pricing in a particular setof use cases. You estimate the lookup price rules will need to be modified, additional ruleswill need to be created and API development will beneeded. As an Implementationconsultant what is the appropriate course of action that should take in this predicament?
A revenue cloud consultant determines that price rules will not address additionalcalculation steps to accurately set the quote line list price needed for a project. What isthe next functionality that should be investigated that will address the requirements?