Dr. Kumar owns a 10-year term life insurance policy with a level death benefit of $500,000 issued by Expert Health & Life Inc. The policy is renewable, convertible to age 70, and contains no additional riders. Dr. Kumar is the life insured. She is single, has no dependents, and her estate is named as the policy’s beneficiary. The current premiums are $365 per year, based on standard health, non-smoker rates. As the policy is due to renew in a few months, Dr. Kumar meets with Kavya, an insurance agent referred to her by a mutual friend. Kavya reviews all of the information presented above, but notices a missing detail.
What additional information about Dr. Kumar's policy does Kavya need to complete her review?
Harold is a 66-year-old retired school bus mechanic. He receives $900 a month from his defined benefit pension plan (DBPP). His husband Karl is also retired and receives his own pension benefit. Harold would like to know the minimum monthly pension benefit from his DBPP that Karl will receive upon Harold's death.
Alana, Meaghan, and Beatrice are equal shareholders of Advanced Tech Inc. They each own 100 shares of the company. Each share is currently worth $5,000. They recently signed a cross-purchase buy-sell agreement that is funded by life insurance. What will happen under this agreement if Alanadies today?
Konrad is the owner of CrossBoy, a manufacturing company employing over 50 employees. Konrad recently took out a $500,000 loan to expand his business. Terrence works as a sales manager and is responsible for roughly 40% of the company’s revenue. Konrad recognizes the importance of Terrence's contributions to the success of the company. Therefore, in addition to a sizeable basesalary, CrossBoy also pays Terrence regular performance-based bonuses. Konrad understands that if Terrence dies prematurely, CrossBoy would suffer financially. What should he do to protect his company?