An air-conditioning unit delivers 10,000 kJ/h (thermal cooling). The equipment uses single-phase electrical power at 220-volt and 5.25 amps with a power factor of 100%. Calculate the coefficient of performance (COP).
A three phase, 380-volt system, has the following voltage measurements:
Va = 375 volts
Vb = 380 volts
Vc = 391 volts
Calculate the percent voltage imbalance.
A cooling tower delivers 29°C water to a central chilled water plant. The cooling tower is capable of delivering water to the chilled-water plant with a 6°C approach temperature to the ambient wet bulb temperature. Using this information, what type of control strategy would you recommend be added to the cooling tower operation to save additional energy?
When comparing two similar facilities, you see that the facility with newer, higher-efficiency equipment has a higher energy-use index [EUI] (kJ/m²-yr). What might be the cause?