In Prisma Cloud for Azure Net Effective Permissions Calculation, the following Azure permission levels are supported by which three permissions? (Choose three).
An S3 bucket within AWS has generated an alert by violating the Prisma Cloud Default policy “AWS S3 buckets are accessible to public”. The policy definition follows:
config where cloud.type = 'aws' AND'aws-s3api-get-bucket-acl' AND json.rule="((((acl.grants[? (@.grantee=='AllUsers')] size > 0) or policyStatus.isPublic is true) and publicAccessBlockConfiguration does not exist) or ((acl.grants[?(@.grantee=='AllUsers')] size > 0) and publicAccessBlockConfiguration.ignorePublicAcis is false) or (policyStatus.isPublic is true and publicAccessBlockConfiguration.restrictPublicBuckets is false)) and websiteConfiguration does not exist"
Why did this alert get generated?
What is the frequency to create a compliance report? (Choose two.)
A customer has a requirement to scan serverless functions for vulnerabilities.
What is the correct option to configure scanning?