Task 7
Initialize the default main branch, if it does not exist already
In the User 1-42147509 organization, you need to install the Microsoft Security DevOps extension.
Next, create a new starter pipeline named starter1 that will use the following starter code.
Ensure that starter! includes a task that executes the extension and uses the following input*:
• Command: run
• Policy aruredevops
• Publish: true
Save the pipeline to a new branch named starter
Task 2
For the RG1 lod42147S09 resource group, you need to create an action group named DevOpsAG that can be triggered in any region by using Alerts.
The action group must email two users named admin1 @contoso.com and admin2@contoso.com and notify members of the Owner role for the resource.
Use only the common alert schema for notifying the resource owners.
Task 4
You need to configure a virtual machine template in a DevTest Labs environment named az400-38443478-dtl1. The operating system must be based on Windows Server 2016 Datacenter. Virtual machines created from the DevTest Lab must include the Selenium tool and the Google Chrome browser.
Task 12
You need to create a personal access token (PAT) named Token! that has only the following capabilities
• Read write, and manage code
• Read and execute builds
• Read releases
Token1 must expire in 60 days.