A web server passes the reservation information to an application server and then the application server queries an Airline service. Which of the following AWS service allows secure hosted queue server-side encryption (SSE), or uses custom SSE keys managed in AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS)?
Assume you work for an IT company that collects user behavior data from an e-commerce web application. This data includes the user interactions with the applications, such as purchases, searches, saved items, etc. Capture this data, transform it into zip files, and load these massive volumes of zip files received from an application into Amazon S3. Which AWS service would you use to do this?
TetraSoft Pvt. Ltd. is an IT company that provides software and application services to numerous customers across the globe. In 2015, the organization migrated its applications and data from on-premises to the AWS cloud environment. The cloud security team of TetraSoft Pvt. Ltd. suspected that the EC2 instance that launched the core application of the organization is compromised. Given below are randomly arranged steps
involved in the forensic acquisition of an EC2 instance. In this scenario, when should the investigators ensure that a forensic instance is in the terminated state?
AWS runs 35+ instances that are all CentOS machines. Updating these machines manually is a time-intensive task that may lead to missed updates for some instances and create vulnerabilities. Which of the following can be used to prevent each port of each instance from being opened to access the machine and install updates?