You have been given the following story
As a shopper
I want to scan my membership card
So that I get all the discounts I'm entitled to receive
Which of the following is the correct use of BDD to design test scenarios?
Which of the following best describes when the test automation suite should be updated in order to keep up with the development of new/changed software?
The challenges described below are of test automation in agile settings or agile projects. Which is
the correctly described one?
Consider the following section of pseudocode
Display "You exceeded the number of tries to enter a password. Your account is now locked. Call customer.
For this section of code, which of the following issues should be identified during a code review?
1. Variables have not been properly defined with meaningful names
2. There are unused variables defined
3. Divisors are not tested for zero
4. Loop counters are not properly initialized
5. There are endless loops
6. There are statements within the loop that should be outside the loop