Phishing attacks, misconfigurations, and social engineering are among the most common methods used in successful cyber-attacks. Attackers exploit human vulnerabilities through phishing and social engineering while taking advantage of technical flaws like misconfigurations. Together, these vectors account for a significant portion of modern cyber breaches.
A bastion host is a fortified system designed to withstand attacks and is placed beyond the outer perimeter firewall to act as a buffer between the public network and internal systems. Its strategic location ensures it handles external-facing services securely, minimizing risks to internal networks. Placing it inside the DMZ (A) or inline with the data center firewall (B) limits its protective functionality. It is also distinct from honeynet management (D).
What are the common data hiding techniques used by criminals?
Unallocated space and masking
Website defacement and log manipulation
Disabled Logging and admin elevation
Encryption, Steganography, and Changing Metadata/Timestamps
Common Data Hiding Techniques:
Encryption: Conceals data by transforming it into an unreadable format without the decryption key.
Steganography: Hides data within other files, such as images or videos, making detection difficult.
Metadata/Timestamp Manipulation: Alters file metadata or timestamps to obscure activity trails.
Why Not Other Options:
A, B, and C: While these may be related to other criminal activities, they do not represent core data hiding techniques.
[Reference:, CISO MAG on Digital Forensics Challenges and Data Hiding Techniques, , Reference:, ]