In what sequence are the steps of material requirements planning performed in SAP ECC?
You have maintained planning strategy group 10 (make-to-stock production) in the material master (SAP ECC) of a material. For the coming months, you have planned requirements with requirement type LSF (derived from main strategy 10). Now, you want to change the requirement type from LSF to VSF (in accordance with planning strategy 40, planning with final assembly) for requirements in the existing production plan.
Which of the following scenarios are applicable in this case? (Choose two)
A material was planned in the context of SAP ECC material requirements planning. The MRP controller subsequently processed the material by manually converting a specific planned order into a production order. The MRP controller now accesses the current stock/requirements list and the MRP list for this material and compares these two lists.
What do you have to consider for the two lists at this stage? (Choose two)