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Salesforce-MuleSoft-Developer-II Exam Dumps : Salesforce Certified MuleSoft Developer 2 (SU24)

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Salesforce Certified MuleSoft Developer 2 (SU24) Questions and Answers

Question 1

An organization uses CloudHub to deploy all of its applications.

How can a common-global-handler flow be configured so that it can be reused across all of the organization’s deployed applications?



Create a Mule plugin project

Create a common-global-error-handler flow inside the plugin project.

Use this plugin as a dependency in all Mute applications.

Import that configuration file in Mute applications.


Create a common-global-error-handler flow in all Mule Applications Refer to it flow-ref wherever needed.


Create a Mule Plugin project

Create a common-global-error-handler flow inside the plugin project.

Use this plugin as a dependency in all Mule applications


Create a Mule daman project.

Create a common-global-error-handler flow inside the domain project.

Use this domain project as a dependency.

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Question 2

A system API that communicates to an underlying MySQL database is deploying to CloudHub. The DevOps team requires a readiness endpoint to monitor all system APIs.

Which strategy should be used to implement this endpoint?



Create a dedicated endpoint that responds with the API status and reachability of the underlying systems


Create a dedicated endpoint that responds with the API status and health of the server


Use an existing resource endpoint of the API


Create a dedicated endpoint that responds with the API status only

Question 3

A Mule application includes a subflow containing a Scatter.Gather scope. Within each log of the Scatter.Gatter. an HTTP connector calls a PUT endpoint to modify records in different upstream system. The subflow is called inside an Unit successful scope to retry if a transitory exception is raised.

A technical spike is being performed to increase reliability of the Mule application.

Which steps should be performed within the Mule flow above the ensure idempontent behavior?



Change the PUT requests inside the Scatter-Gather to POST requests


Ensure an error-handling flow performs corrective actions to roll back all changes if any leg of the Scatter-Gather fails


Remove the Put requests from the Scatter-Getter and perform them sequentially


None, the flow already exhibits idempotent behavior