Service A sends a message to Service B (1). After Service B writes the message contents to Database A (2), it issues a response message back to Service A (3). Service A then sends a message to Service C (4). Upon receiving this message, Service C sends a message to Service D (5), which then writes the message contents to Database B (6) and issues a response message back to Service C (7).
Service A and Service D are located in Service Inventory A. Service B and Service C are located in Service Inventory B.
You are told that In this service composition architecture, all four services are exchanging invoice-related data in an XML format. However, the services in Service Inventory A are standardized to use a different XML schema for invoice data than the services in Service Inventory B. Also, Database A can only accept data in the Comma Separated Value (CSV) format and therefore cannot accept XML-formatted data. Database B only accepts XML-formatted data. However, it is a legacy database that uses a proprietary XML schema to represent invoice data that is different from the XML schema used by services in Service Inventory A or Service Inventory B.
What steps can be taken to enable the planned data exchange between these four services?