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HPE2-W09 Exam

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Refer to the exhibit.
Switch-1 and Switch-2 ate ArubaOS-CX switches thatimplement VXLAN WITHOUT EthernetVPN (EVPN). Switch-2 uses the same VNI-to-VLAN mappings as Switch-1. Is this how the specified servers communicate?
Solution:The first time that Server I communicates with Server 3, It sends an ARP request to resolve Server 3's MAC address.
The architect designs a spine and leaf network for a single data center that will use multiple leaf switches as Virtual Tunnel End Points (VTEP). The architect needs to select the type of Integrated Routing & Bridging (IRB) for the solution.
Is this statement about the IRB type true?
Solution:Asymmetric IRB requires a third L3 VNI to route packets between ingress and egress VTEPs.
You plan to use multi-protocol BGP to implement dynamic VRF route leaking on an ArubaOS-CX switch.
Is this a rule for the setup?
Solution:You cannot leak multicast routes.