RedHat Related Exams
EX447 Exam

Using the Simulation Program, perform the following tasks:
Static Inventories Task:
1. Add a new group to your default ansible host file. call the group [ec2]
2. Add a newhost to the new group you created.
3. Add a variable to a new host entry in the /etc/ansible/hosts file. Add the following. localhost http_port=80 maxRequestsPerChild=808
4. Check to see if maxRequestsPerChild is pulled out with an ad-hoccommand.
5. Create a local host file and put a target group and then a host into it. Then ping it with an ad-hoc command.
Create a playbook calledwebdev.ymlin'home/sandy/ansible. The playbook will create a directory Avcbdev on dev host. The permission of the directory are 2755 and owner is webdev. Create a symbolic link from/Webdevto /var/www/html/webdev. Serve a file from Avebdev7index.html which displays the text "Development" Curl test
Create a file called specs.empty in home/bob/ansible on the local machine as follows:
Create the playbook /home/bob/ansible/specs.yml which copies specs.empty to all remote nodes' path /root/specs.txt. Using the specs.yml playbook then edit specs.txt on the remote machines to reflect theappropriate ansible facts.