Esri Related Exams
EADP19-001 Exam
A layer tiding simple symbology is causing slow drawing performance at a scale where analysis needs to be conducted. Only certain features from this layer are necessary in order for analysis to be completed by the ArcGlS user
What can the user do to increase drawing performance?
For a project, an ArcGlS user creates a custom user interface form to allow data entry and editing directly with the database. This form must be available within ArcMap and also as a stand-alone tool.
How can this custom form be made available within ArcMap?
An ArcGIS user is tasked with publishing an image service out of a collection of rectified satellite imagery. Building the Image service definition results In a rotated dataset with large areas of NoData on the comers. The ArcGIS user needs to recompute the footprints to remove the large areas of NoData on the edges. Which method of recomputing footprints accomplishes this?