Q. # 1: What is the Salesforce Certified Data Architect (SU24) Exam?
The Salesforce Certified Data Architect (SU24) Exam is a certification test designed for professionals who specialize in designing scalable, high-performing enterprise data management solutions on the Salesforce platform.
Q. # 2: Who should take the Salesforce Data Architect Exam?
This Data-Architect Exam is ideal for IT professionals with experience designing and managing data architectures on the Salesforce platform. It caters to Data Architects, Data Analysts, Enterprise Architects, and Salesforce Consultants seeking to demonstrate their proficiency in building scalable data solutions.
Q. # 3: What topics are covered in the Salesforce Data-Architect Exam?
The Data-Architect Exam covers topics such as data modeling, data governance, data migration, data integration, and performance tuning.
Q. # 4: How many questions are on the Salesforce Data-Architect Exam?
The Data-Architect Exam consists of 60 multiple-choice questions.
Q. # 5: What is the passing score for the Salesforce Data-Architect Exam?
The Data-Architect Exam passing score is 67%.
Q. # 6: How much time is allotted for the Salesforce Data-Architect Exam?
Candidates have 1 hour and 5 minutes to complete the Data-Architect exam.
Q. # 7: How long is the Salesforce Data-Architect certification valid for?
The Salesforce Data-Architect certification holds validity for three years. To maintain your credential, you'll need to complete a recertification process within this timeframe.
Q. # 8: What is the success guarantee offered by CertsTopics?
CertsTopics offers a success guarantee, ensuring that candidates who use our Data-Architect dumps material will pass the Data-Architect exam.
Q. # 9: How can I purchase Data-Architect study materials from CertsTopics?
The Data-Architect study materials can be purchased by adding them to the cart on CertsTopics and proceeding with payment for instant access.
Q. # 10: Are there any Salesforce Data-Architect Exam dumps available on CertsTopics?
Yes, CertsTopics offers verified Data-Architect Exam dumps and other Data-Architect study materials that help you pass the Application Architect certification and better understand the exam pattern.
Q. # 11: Are the Salesforce Data-Architect Exam materials from CertsTopics up to date?
Yes, CertsTopics regularly updates its Data-Architect exam materials to reflect the latest Data-Architect exam objectives and Salesforce platform updates, ensuring candidates have the most relevant information.