PRMIA Related Exams
8004 Exam

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A risk assessment report generated by a PRMIA member creates an apparent conflict of interest between the PRMIA standards and those of the client organization.
Of the following, which is the correct hierarchy to follow to resolve the conflict?
I. The decision of a superior within the organization
II. PRMIA Standards
III. Guidelines from the regulators in which the organization operates
IV. The laws of the country
The Financial Accounting and Reporting Infrastructure of any organization must:
I. Accurately represent the corporation's current and known financial condition in a timely manner
II. Only use off-balance sheet transactions which have a legitimate economic, tax, risk transfer or risk mitigating purpose
III. Provide a detailed description of the Risk Management Infrastructure in the organization's Annual Report to Shareholders
IV. Provide an auditable Annual Statement of Compliance with the Board's publicly stated Standards of Corporate Governance to the Board and Audit Committee
MGRM's losses due to "stacking" started to increase when