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PRM Certification - Exam IV: Case Studies Questions and Answers

Question 1

Which of the following CANNOT be counted as a reason why LTCM was given a rescue package and not left to default?



Many of the banks in the rescue consortium were among LTCM's counterparties


Some of the banks in the rescue consortium were LTCM investors


Untimely unwinding of some LTCM positions would lead to large market fluctuations and possible turmoil


The consortium wanted to keep this out of the regulators' eyes

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Question 2

According to the Group of 30 Report, deriving aggregate potential credit exposure for a counterparty by adding up the potential exposure of multiple transactions:



Gives an accurate result in most cases


Captures portfolio effects but not tenor differences


Can easily reflect the impact of netting


Overstates exposure in most cases

Question 3

The Fortress Re finite reinsurance model



allowed Fortress to claim re-insurance claims payments from the finite reinsurers and paid premiums to cover these deals over a 5 year period, and as the risks were spread out over time the annual premiums were accounted for as current liabilities on the books of the pool members, giving a true impression of profitability


allowed Fortress to claim re-insurance claims payments from the finite reinsurers and paid annual premiums to cover these policies, and as the risks were spread out over the year the annual premiums were accounted for as current liabilities on the books of the pool members, giving a true impression of profitability


allowed Fortress to claim re-insurance claims payments from the finite reinsurers and paid premiums to cover these deals over a 5 year period, and as the risks were spread out over time the future premiums were accounted for as current liabilities on the books of the pool members, giving a true impression of profitability


allowed Fortress to claim re-insurance claims payments from the finite reinsurers and paid premiums to cover these deals over a 5 year period, but as the risks were spread out over time the future premiums were not accounted for as current liabilities on the books of the pool members, thus giving a false impression of profitability