Oracle 1z0-770 Exam Dumps FAQs
Q. # 1: What is the Oracle 1z0-770 Exam?
The Oracle 1z0-770 Exam, also known as the Oracle APEX Cloud Developer Professional exam, tests your knowledge and skills in developing applications using Oracle APEX.
Q. # 2: Who is the target audience for the Oracle 1z0-770 Exam?
The target audience for the Oracle 1z0-770 Exam includes developers, IT professionals, and database administrators who want to validate their skills in Oracle APEX application development.
Q. # 3: What topics are covered in the Oracle 1z0-770 Exam?
The Oracle 1z0-770 Exam assesses your knowledge in various areas, including:
- Setting Up Oracle APEX on Autonomous Database
- Utilizing SQL Workshop
- Creating and Managing APEX Applications
- Working with Pages, Regions, Reports, and Forms
- Implementing Application Controls, Computations, Processes, and Navigation
- Securing your Application
- Data Management and Theme Customization
Q. # 4: How many questions are on the Oracle 1z0-770 Exam?
The Oracle 1z0-770 Exam consists of 58 multiple-choice questions.
Q. # 5: What is the passing score for the Oracle 1z0-770 Exam?
The passing score for the Oracle 1z0-770 Exam is 60%.
Q. # 6: How long is the Oracle 1z0-770 Exam?
The Oracle 1z0-770 Exam duration is 90 minutes.
Q. # 7: How can I prepare for the Oracle 1z0-770 Exam?
To prepare effectively for the Application Development Certification, it's recommended to use study materials like 1z0-770 Exam Dumps and 1z0-770 Practice Tests available on CertsTopics.
Q. # 8: Is there any online support available during the preparation for the Oracle 1z0-770 Exam?
Yes, CertsTopics provides 24/7 online support to assist you during your preparation for the Oracle 1z0-770 exam. Our experts are ready to answer any questions you may have.
Q. # 9: Are CertsTopics any discounts available for the Oracle 1z0-770 Exam?
CertsTopics occasionally offers discounts for specific exams, including the Oracle 1z0-770 Exam. Check the CertsTopics website for current promotions and special offers, as these can change frequently.
Q. # 10: What is the refund policy if I dont pass the exam after using CertsTopics's 1z0-770 study materials?
CertsTopics offers a money-back guarantee if you do not pass the Oracle APEX Cloud Developer Professional exam after using our 1z0-770 exam dumps materials. We are confident in the quality of our 1z0-770 questions and answers, but we also value our customers success.