internet security mgmt w/bordermanager:enterprise
upgrading to netware 6
advanced novell network amnagement:netware 6.5
cni-desktop management with zenworks for desktops 4
Upgrading to Novell Open Enterprise Server for NetWare
Novell Certified Administrator - Enterprise Services
Which statement is correct?
The netdate command and the ntpd use the same port
The Network Time Protocol uses port 123, TCP
A Stratum 16 server is one that sets it's time by some external reference clock, such as an atomic clock.
NTP aims at correcting the system time without sudden bigger changes.
/etc/clock.conf is the NTP daemon configuration file.
Which command would you use to start the xeyes program in the background?
xeyes > bg
bg | xeyes
xeyes -bg
xeyes | bg
xeyes &&
xeyes &
What is the type command used for?
type determines the type of a command (shell builtin, alias, file on hard disk).
type is used to determine the type of processor used (32-bit, 64-bit, Power)
type displays the type of terminal (tty1, tty2) you are logged in to.
type is used to print text to a teletypewriter.