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Risk Management Questions and Answers

Question 1

ZZ is a data security company that is responsible for cyber security m a large shopping mall 21 uses Network Configuration Management (NCM) to assist it in meeting the various needs of the mall's user community.

Which THREE of the following are advantages provided by NCM?



NCM allows ZZ to prevent data corruption for different user groups in the mall


NCM allows ZZ to provide different service levels for different user groups in the mall


NCM allows ZZ to segregate traffic for different user groups in the mall


NCM allows ZZ to prevent scanners being used on the public WiFi for different user groups in the mall


NCM allows ZZ to restrict traffic for different user groups in the mall


NCM allows ZZ to stop malware from being spread for different user groups in the mall

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Question 2

Rio owns an architects business which employs 12 skilled architects and four administrative staff.

The Office Manager has just attended a workshop on internal controls and the way in which they can improve organisations. He intends to implement some internal controls as soon as possible.

What are the limitations of an internal control system in Rio's business?



Internal controls are only suitable for large businesses.


Employees could ignore the internal controls.


If Rio does not support the internal control system then the controls may not be adhered to.


Internal controls may slow down the speed with which the architects can respond to enquiries.


Internal controls will usually mean hiring more staff.

Question 3

Assuming a company has both internal auditors and risk managers, indicate which of these would perform the duties listed below:


Question 4

L is a specialist deep sea diving company The company specialises in challenging tasks that are often rejected by other companies as being too risky Most assignments are difficult and some are very dangerous L has very experienced divers who are highly trained and are safety conscious In spite of the dangerous work, L has an excellent success rate and is highly sought after L charges very high fees for its work Despite L's precautions, the likelihood of accidents is high and the consequences are also high L has an excellent insurance which has always been very expensive but the price has just been increased by 40%

Which of the following is correct?



L should cease trading


L should pay the very high insurance premiums demanded by its insurance company


L should diversify into low risk diving contract s.


L should stop accepting these risky contracts.

Question 5

G plc has decided to move its production plant to overseas Country A. This would make the product cheaper to produce. The technology used to make the product is very advanced and some of the staff would have to move to Country A.

The Production Director has identified that there are some political risks in moving to Country A.

Match the methods of reducing the political risks associated with the move to Country A with the corresponding risks.


Question 6

A large department store has just discovered that the staff in the store coffee shop have been defrauding the company for the past three years. The six employees who work in the coffee shop have been keeping a proportion of the cash takings, concealing the theft by not recording all sales up in the till They shared the proceeds of this fraud between them The fraud was only uncovered when one of the employees left and his replacement reported the theft to management rather than becoming involved in the crime

Which of the following best describes the role of the store's internal controls in the context of this fraud?



The store's board of directors should face disciplinary action for failing to prevent this fraud


The coffee shop should be closed down because it is impossible to control its revenues.


Even a well-designed system can be overridden by collusion between employees


This fraud indicates that there are serious shortcomings in the store's system of internal controls

Question 7

Which THREE of the following are principles of good corporate governance according to the UK Corporate Governance Code?












Question 8

CH makes a popular type of chocolate bar The bars are made on a production line and are scanned for size and shape as they move along the line Wrong sized and misshapen bars are rejected as being poor quality. The scanner detects 90% of poor quality bars. If CH wants to reduce the risk of poor quality bars being sold to the public it can add a further check by a person scanning the production line as well. this check would detect 80% of poor quality bars

If the further check was implemented what percentage of poor quality bars would still get through the checking process?










Question 9

Which of the following is an ethical dilemma?



A company is considering giving poorly-paid staff a generous pay rise.


A company is deciding whether to issue debt or equity.


A company is deciding whether to make a substantial bonus payment to its directors by means of cash or shares.


A company must decide whether to settle a claim from an employee who appears to have fabricated a workplace injury. The company want to avoid the cost of defending the claim.

Question 10

Company N is considering opening another production plant in Northland, a country 2000 km from its current production plant location N would also sell its products in Northland

Which TWO of the following are business risks'



The risk that it may be difficult to sell its products in Northland.


The risk that Northland may not be able to support N's technology requirements.


The risk that the Northland currency may strengthen making it expensive.


The risk that interest rates may rise making N's loans expensive.


The risk that Northland's government may introduce policies that would be unfavorable to N.

Question 11

C is an accounts clerKwho is supposed to sign each invoice as evidence that she has conducted checks against supporting documents Sometimes C signs invoices without making these checks

D is a member of the internal audit team He has been told to conduct compliance tests on whether C is checking the invoices property

Which of the following would grve D a false sense of assurance that C's checks have been in operation?

Select ALL that appry



D reviewed a sample of invoices for purchases of plant and equipment and found that C had not signed them C explained that she believed that those were authonsed by someone else although the accounts manual indicates that it was her responsibility


asked C a series of open-ended questions about the operation of the purchases system She did not mention anything about detailed checks of invoices against documents


D examined a sample of invoices to make sure that they had been signed by C AH had been signed

selected a sample of purchase invoices and compared each to the supporting documents that C is supposed to review Every one of D's invoices was supported by the related documents


D worked at a spare desk in the accounts department and quietly watched C without telling her She checked every invoice carefully while D was present

Question 12

The Head of IT Security has been asked to conduct a detailed forensic analysis of a suspected data breach that ted to customer credit card details being intercepted.

Which TWO of the following would be suitable objectives for such a forensic analysis?



Recovering the stolen credit card details before they can be abused by criminals


Developing an understanding of the vulnerabilities that led to the breach


Identifying customers whose details have been stolen


The collection of evidence that can be used to convict the perpetrators of the breach.


Preventing the credit card companies from blaming the entity for fraudulent charges

Question 13

The treasurer of IOK is considering entering into a money market hedge in order to hedge a payable.

Which of the following might be valid explanations for the use of a money market hedge for this purpose?



There are no forward contracts available for the purchase of the payable currency using IOK's home currency.


The timing of the payable does not permit the use of a forward contract.


The relevant currency markets are very thinly traded and the treasurer believes that forward contracts are mispriced.


A money market hedge is easier and less expensive to organise than a future or forward contract.


Money market hedges can be unwound whereas positions in derivatives cannot.

Question 14

MNB is a multinational IT company with headquarters in Asia and with operations in all continents.

MNB is attempting to expand its operations in Europe. This is seen as a major challenge as the European market is very well developed and highly competitive.

MNB develops and manufactures its own products. Parts and assemblies are sourced across Asia, America and Europe. These are sometimes purchased locally as a condition of a contract, but MNB aims to include as much of its own equipment as possible. Transfer prices between MNB's subsidiaries can be set in YEN, USD, EURO, GBP. Transfer prices are revised every month in line with production times as most goods are made on short order with sales cycles running at 3-4 months.

What types of risk are being presented here?



Political risk


Currency risk


Economic risk


Environmental risk


Fraud risk


Legal risk

Question 15

J plc is a wholesale building supply business. It has a large warehouse where some of its materials are stored. Last month three accidents occurred where employees were slightly injured whilst moving items from the 5th shelf. The 5th shelf is located 15 metres up from the ground.

This is a health and safety risk and could also be a reputation risk in the longer term.

Which of the following risk mitigations should the company employ?



Transfer by insuring against this risk.


Reduce by storing some items on the first three shelves and storing other items outside.


Accept by just accepting this is a risk the company has to take and some employees may get injured.


Avoid by sending the employees on a training course on Health and Safety.

Question 16

SC is a professional football club which is currently listed on a recognised stock exchange. There is a proposal that it builds a new stadium at a location a considerable distance from its current stadium.

There is strong support within the club for the move as the current ground is now over 40 years old and has not been extensively modernised in that time.

However, there is a lot of opposition to the move in the area where it is proposed to locate the new stadium. Objectors claim that the new stadium will increase traffic and pollution in the area and will adversely affect the value of their properties.

Which of the following statements about the responsibility of the board of SC is correct?



SC is now a listed company and so the board should prioritise the interests of shareholders to the exclusion of other stakeholders.


A football club needs to be part of the community in which it exists and so the board should consider the other stakeholders.


The board should conclude that objectors to the new stadium have a legal course of action open to them and if they do not take legal action they should ignore them.


If the board of directors is seen as acknowledging its responsibility to stakeholders other than shareholders this will enhance the reputation of the club and it will be more likely that a compromise can be reached with objectors.


The board should share information about the new development with the local community only to the extent that it is legally obliged to do so.

Question 17

The managers of a company are agents for the shareholders tasked with increasing shareholders' wealth. Which of the following will usually increase shareholders' wealth?



Investing in projects with the shortest payback period.


Investing in projects with positive net present value.


Investing in projects with the greatest level of risk.


Not paying a dividend for several years in order to invest in new projects.

Question 18

H sells machinery and also associated services, such as advice and repairs. H's industry is going through considerable transformation.

Classify each of the examples of information available to H's management as strategic, operational or of having little value.


Question 19

NLC, a retail chain, is considering moving its information systems which support its point of sale infrastructure into the cloud.

Which TWO factors should it consider in choosing its supplier?



Cheapest option offered


Certified security


Proximity of facilities to head office


Robust service level agreement

Question 20

TT is a jewellery manufacturer in country A It makes jewellery from precious metals and stones and sells it to shops in country A and also overseas It is the 3rd largest company in country A with a huge turnover

TT has found it very difficult to prevent staff committing fraud and last year the Board was sure that the year end inventory was lower than it should have been Gross profit was also slightly lower than expected

Which TWO of the following internal controls would be most effective in helping to reduce staff fraud within TT?



Carry out inventory checks daily to make sure the correct quantity of materials is being used every day and the correct number of items are being produced


Employ two more managers to watch the staff working and look for them stealing items


Have a senior manager such as the Production Director to supervise the workshop at all times


Install-several CCTV cameras in the workshop


Perform random checks of staff bags as they leave work and ensure the staff all wear overalls provided by the company in the workshop Their own clothes must be left in lockers during working hours

Question 21

JKL makes large export sales to customers in country X, whose currency fluctuates significantly against JKL's home currency JKL also makes large purchases from suppliers in countrrOC All of these transactions are in country X's currency

JKL's treasurer does not actively hedge currency risks because there is a natural hedge in place due to the company making both sales and purchases in the same currency

JKL's board has instructed the treasurer to put active hedging measures in place because the risk report would otherwise have to disclose the fact that JKL has a currency risk which is not actively hedged

Which of the following statements are correct? Select ALL that apply.



Risk reports can change behaviour


Risk reporting is a bad thing


The board may be concerned it will be criticised if it does not hedge


The board does not want to be blamed for ignoring a risk.


Risk reporting drives the whole risk management process

Question 22

D plc is a public relations company. Shares in D plc have recently been listed on the UK stock exchange.

D plc has an internal audit department that reports to the Chief Executive Officer (CEO). The CEO is considering outsourcing internal audit to an audit firm, which would not be the firm that conducts D plc's external audit.

Identify THREE advantages to D plc of outsourcing internal audit in this way.



Doing so may improve independence.


Decisions relating to internal audit can be based solely on cost.


Internal audit will have a better understanding of D plc's objectives and culture.


Specialist skills may be more readily available.


Risk of staff turnover is passed to the outsource company.

Question 23

Will owns $400,000 of shares in Company X.

Company X has a daily volatility of 1% of its share price.

Calculate the 28 day value at risk that shows the most Will can expect to lose during a 28 day period.

(Will wishes to be 90% certain that the actual loss in any month will be less than your predicted figure).

Give your answer to the nearest $000.


Question 24

Which of the following are objectives of the audit planning procedure?



To work out the time and resources required for the audit.


To perform substantive tests.


To work out how audit evidence will be obtained.


To perform analytical review to identify possible areas for investigation.


To set out how audit objectives will be achieved.

Question 25

Multinational companies have a variety of methods by which to manage currency risk.

Select ALL internal hedging methods from the following list.



Leading and lagging


Invoice in home currency






Money market hedge


Forward contracts

Question 26

In-depth analysis showing the identification and quantification of exposure to financial risk has become more accessible in recent years. Several varieties of analysis are now available.

Which of the following statements are true?



Value at risk analysis, which has become available through increased computing power, is now easier to implement and can cater for extreme market conditions.


Monte Carlo analysis is a modelling technique which can be applied to financial analysis, allowing thousands of variables to be integrated together to show standard behaviours and outlier abnormalities requiring detailed understanding in a 'what if?' environment.


Sensitivity analysis involves checking the performance of a financial risk model against the various interrelationships between the different input variables in the model.


Simulation, which is becoming available through standard computing packages, is complex to implement but dynamic and adaptable to cater for different assumptions.


Regression analysis is easy to understand and implement, and based on future expectations.

Question 27

Which method of quantifying risk exposure can be used to calculate the maximum loss on a portfolio occurring within a period of time with a given probability?



Value at Risk


Regression analysis




Expected value

Question 28

Company H operates a fleet of lorries. The Internal Auditor recently conducted an investigation into the transport needs of the company. Their report recommended that the lorries be disposed of, the drivers made redundant, and the distribution of the company's products be outsourced.

The type of investigation carried out by the Internal Auditor is best described as a:



Compliance Audit


Economy Audit


Efficiency Audit


Effectiveness Audit

Question 29

A UK based company is considering an investment of GB£1,000,000 in a project in the USA. It is anticipated that the following cash flows will arise from this project.

The cash flows will be either US$400,000 with a probability of 40% or US$700,000 with a probability of 60% for each of the next three years; remitted to the UK at the end of each year.

Currently GB£1.00 is worth US$1.30.

The expected inflation rates in the two countries over the next four years are 2% in the UK and 4% in the US.

Applying the Purchasing Power Parity Theory, which of the following represents the expected net present value of the project in GP£ (to the nearest whole pound)?










Question 30

E purchases parts for one of the machines it manufactures from Country X Place the risk classification next to the risk it relates to:


Question 31

Which of the following is the major advantage of Cloud storage for an enterprise?



It provides unlimited free use for the enterprise


The enterprise has complete control over it


in-house staff are not required to maintain the infrastructure


Sharing storage space with others

Question 32

There are many method for appraising capital projects.

Select ALL correct statements.



The time value of money should be the same for all similar competing projects.


Decisions should only consider the financial implications of the project.


No one method of capital appraisal taken alone is adequate to evaluate competing projects.


Net Present Value evaluation considers a range of different discount rates considering different risk factors and finance methods.


Opportunity cost is only relevant when capital is scarce.


All projects should be evaluated using sensitivity analysis.

Question 33

B is a small retail bank that offers customers many on-the services B is keen to ensure sound security both to protect the bank's assets and also to safeguard customer privacy

B's IT Security Manager has suggested that the bank should use two phase authentication for access to the on-line systems

Which TWO of the following are examples of two phase authentication?



Customers first input a password and then receive an access code via email or text message that also has to be input


Customers first input a password and then use a card or token to gain access


Customers must input a valid user name and then input a password user name first input a password and then a pin number


Customer passwords must contain both letters and numbers and must be changed regularly.

Question 34

GUJ A small but rapidly expanding company has recently opened several branches in locations far away from the Head Office. All of the branches are relatively small with no one branch accounting for more than 5% of turnover. Management has decided that the company is not yet large enough to install an Internal Audit function but is, nonetheless, concerned about maintaining adequate control and monitoring at the branches whilst allowing Branch Managers the opportunity to react to local circumstances as appropriate.

Which of the following measures would assist Head Office management in maintaining appropriate monitoring and control at the branches?



Restricting the autonomy of individual Branch Managers to purely routine matters and instructing them to refer everything else to Head Office.


Dealing with all Human Resource, recruitment, and similar issues directly from Head Office.


Arranging visits by senior management to each branch periodically.


Instituting the use of a formalised budgetary control system at head office for all branches.


Establishing an open communication policy for employees at branches to allow them to contact Head Office on any matter that concerns them.

Question 35

N, a large company in the food production industry, has grown over the years by the acquisition of several smaller rivals. The company has ten branches located in its home country and has just opened a foreign branch for the first time. It has recently made some changes to the structure and implementation of its control system.

 Which TWO of these would be most likely to improve the overall control system?



Establishing an Internal Audit department.


Purchase invoices are now approved for payment at branches and a list of approved invoices are sent to head office for payment. The invoices, supporting documentation and suppliers' statements are retained at the branches.


Excess funds are now invested, by the Finance Director, in short-term securities. The Finance Director initiates buy and sell transactions and she also receives and retains all correspondence relating to the investments.


A policy has been initiated to complete a physical inventory of all non-current assets at least annually. This is then reconciled with the non-current asset register.


N has just opened a bank account in the currency in which the newly opened branch is now operating.

Question 36

GHY is a listed company. Tom is GHY's CEO and Peter is its non-executive Chair of the Board. Tom and Peter both have substantial relevant business and industrial experience and both are believed to have considerable integrity. Tom and Peter quickly developed a good working relationship after Peter's appointment. They have become close friends.

Tom briefs Peter on every aspect of the business. Tom and Peter jointly agree the agenda for every board meeting and both agree on the manner in which matters will be presented to the board.

Taking account of the principles of good corporate governance, which of the following statements is correct?



It is entirely appropriate that Tom and Peter have this kind of relationship and both are acting in the best interests of the company.


Non-contentious board meetings show how well Tom and Peter are running the company and shows that the management is cohesive.


The relationship between Peter and Tom may have a detrimental effect on company decision making as the Board is not always being informed about matters in an unbiased manner.


Since the non-executive chair clearly has a significant role within this company there is little danger that any individual will become excessively dominant.

Question 37

DFG is the largest bridge-building company in its home country, H. DFG works exclusively for the government of country H and the government awards DFG 80% of the contracts to build new bridges.

DFG's directors are considering using the big data approach to identify opportunities to increase sales revenues and profit.

Which of the following statements are true?



Big data has the potential to identify ways in which DFG can reduce construction costs.


DFG should supplement its existing databases in order to enhance the benefit from big data.


The big data approach may help DFG to price contract bids more accurately.


Big data has the potential to identify ways in which DFG can increase sales.


It would be unethical for DFG to use big data in order to compete even more effectively with its rivals.

Question 38

HBN is a service company that offers cloud-based data storage and management on behalf of clients HBN pays an independent accountancy firm to review its cybersecurity arrangements, conduct penetration tests and report to HBN's Board on the results

Which TWO of the following are correct?



Potential clients for HBN's services will expect to receive copies of these independent reports immediately after they are submitted.


The independent accountancy firm will disclose all of the shortcomings that it identifies in its report, even if they embarrass HBN


HBN could save time and reduce cost by having its own internal audit department conduct these investigations and report accordingly.


It would prove simpler for HBN to permit clients to conduct their own cybersecurity reviews that would take account of the sensitivity of their data


The independent accountancy firm will guarantee that there are no control weaknesses in HBN's systems, provided its results prove satisfactory

Question 39

DBB is a mining company. The company's business requires manners to work underground in hazardous conditions DBB takes every possible precaution to protect the safety and wellbeing of its miners, but that does not prevent the occurrence of four or five serious injuries every year. That number is small in relation to the many thousands of owners employed by DBB.

DBB's Board is preparing a risk map Most directors believe that injuries to miners should be classified as high Likelihood and high impact, which Is a category of risk that should be avoided according to the TARA framework One of the directors has suggested that the risk should be classified as low likelihood and high impact because that would move the risk into the quadrant associated with transference or sharing and so could be draft with by, say, insurance

Which TWO of the following are correct?



it is unlikely that DBB will be able to transfer the risk of these injuries by insurance.


The fact that there are very few accidents supports the argument that the likelihood


The director's recommendation that the risk should be reclassified will make the risk map more useful


Risk maps enable companies to identify the correct migration for any given risk


Discussing likelihood and impact will help DBB's Board to mitigate the risk of industrial inquiry

Question 40

RFD, a listed company, is considering making an investment in a risky new venture. RFD has a substantial cash surplus that will be used to acquire the necessary resources. It is unlikely that RFD would have been able to raise finance for this investment because the company is already highly geared.

Which of the following statements about stakeholders' conflicting interests are true?



RFD's shareholders are exposed to the systematic risk from this project and the directors are exposed to total risk.


RFD's lenders are likely to suffer a greater risk than RFD's equity investors.


Neither RFD's shareholders or lenders are likely to have the means to prevent the directors from making this investment.


RFD's existing employees are likely to enjoy a significant upside risk from this project.


The diversification of RFD's interests will reduce the risks for all stakeholders.

Question 41

The managers of a company are agents for the shareholders tasked with increasing shareholders' wealth. Which of the following will usually increase shareholders' wealth?



Investing in projects with the shortest payback period.


Investing in projects with positive net present value.


Investing in projects with the greatest level of risk.


Not paying a dividend for several years in order to invest in new projects.

Question 42

You are the Management Accountant for P, a food manufacturing company with an annual sales revenue of $5 million.

You discover that the Production Manager's records are inconsistent. Raw materials purchased do not agree to the total recorded for transfers to production plus wastage. There is an average shortfall of 2% of purchases.

You investigated and discovered that there are often mistakes made during manufacturing that results in food that is safe to eat, but cannot be sold because of visual flaws. The Production Manager is supposed to scrap all such damaged product and write all such losses off as waste, but you discovered that he has been giving the damaged food to a charity that assists homeless people. No records are made of such gifts in order to conceal the losses due to manufacturing errors.

What should you do?



Do nothing, this is a good cause and the amount is insignificant.


Instigate disciplinary action, this is both theft and poor management.


Instigate a confidential, but documented, review with the Production Manager and tell him to stop.


Instigate a review of the production process to potentially reduce the amount of wastage.


Instigate a process whereby edible but unsellable items can be given to the charity officially.

Question 43

Which of the following is an ethical dilemma?



A company is considering giving poorly-paid staff a generous pay rise.


A company is deciding whether to issue debt or equity.


A company is deciding whether to make a substantial bonus payment to its directors by means of cash or shares.


A company must decide whether to settle a claim from an employee who appears to have fabricated a workplace injury. The company want to avoid the cost of defending the claim.

Question 44

YHJ is considering an investment in a project that will cost $20 million. Annual fixed costs will be $12 million per year, excluding depreciation. Annual sales are forecast at 5 million units, with a contribution per unit of $8. After five years the equipment will be worn out and YHJ will have to spend $50 million on disposal costs. The discount rate is 10%.

Calculate the sensitivity of the net present value of this project to a 20% increase in the disposal costs.










Question 45

YGH has recently completed a post completion audit on a five year contract that has only recently come to a conclusion. The main finding was that the project delivered most of the expected benefits, but that it cost significantly more to implement than had been anticipated at the project appraisal stage. YGH would not have proceeded if the true cost had been known at that stage.

The project was the responsibility of the production department, which is presently managed by G.

When the project was proposed, the production department was managed by H. H is now YGH's Director of Operations.

How should the finding from this post completion audit be interpreted?



YGH should consider introducing more detailed checking of the assumptions underlying the costs of future projects.


The production department should not be granted funding for future projects unless there are compelling reasons to proceed.


G should be held accountable for the overspend on the project.


H should be held accountable for the overspend on the project.

Question 46

Zia is an accountant and wishes to take out a Forward Rate Agreement (FRA) as a hedging instrument. The company treasurer has advised that a short-term interest rate (STIR) future would be better.

Which of the following is true of an STIR?



A STIR can be tailored to the exact needs of the company.


A STIR is flexible and the position can be closed quickly and easily.


A STIR must be kept for the whole duration of the contract.


If interest rates have gone down the price of the future will have fallen.

Question 47

J is a manager in charge of a section in GDD's Buying department. J has eight staff who report to her. Including M, who has worked for GDD for seven months.

One afternoon, while J was absent on sick leave, M was asked to place an urgent order for plastic pellets that are vital for GDD's production process. The usual supplier could not supply the pellets on time to avoid a shortage and so M telephoned a new supplier and placed an order. When the supplier invoiced for the delivery, GDD's Accounts Payable Department rejected the invoice because the supplier did not have a valid account.

On investigation, it was revealed that M did not have the authority to place an order with a new supplier. Only J can authorise new accounts. M claimed that he had been unaware of the need to seek approval because he had never found it necessary to place an order with a new supplier before

Which TWO of the following statements ate correct?



GDD's Internal Audit Department should have cancelled the order.


GDD's directors are ultimately responsible for M's error


M should be disciplined for exceeding his authority


should have made certain that M knew and understood the limits of his responsibility


The investigation of this matter was a waste of time because the pellets were urgently required

Question 48

ABC is a large supermarket chain which also has online shopping and home deliveries It has a 24/7 service which runs on a central server allowing all customers to enter new orders at any time This is a business critical service which, if not available, may lead to customers turning to alternative supermarket chains offering similar services, resulting in immediate turnover loss and possible long term customer loss.

ABC is contemplating the implementation of a hot standby facility, not only to cover for emergency disaster recovery, but also to allow for business continuity, allowing necessary maintenance and updates without service interruption.

Which of the following cybersecurity objectives is ABC concerned about in this scenario?



Integrity of data


Integrity of processing





Question 49

SDF has a variable rate loan of $100 million on which it is paying interest of LIBOR + 2%.

SDF entered into a swap with CV bank to convert this to a fixed rate 7% loan. CV bank charges an annual commission of 0.3% for making this arrangement.

Calculate the net payment from SDF to CV bank at the end of the first year if LIBOR was 3% throughout the year.

Give your answer in $ million, to one decimal place.


Question 50

Match the descriptions shown in the boxes below with the method of quantifying risk exposure it best describes.


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