What risks arise from not receiving the securities purchased or not receiving payment for securities sold?
The price of a zero coupon, maturing in 2 years, is
Which interest convention is used in the bond market for GBP?
In error, your dealer enters a trade whereby he buys GBP 8,000,000.00 against USD at 1.5500, but manages to cover it at the same rate. When the initial mistaken trade is cancelled, however, the rate has since changed to 1.5200. What is the effect on P&L?
What do FX swap rates represent?
Which of the following statements concerning "account reconciliations" is incorrect?
A non deliverable forward (NDF) is a:
A dealer makes the following deals in EUR/USD:
Sells EUR 1,500,000.00 at 1.3560
Buys EUR 3,250,000.00 at 1.3542
Sells USD 2,709,600.00 at 1.3548
Buys USD 1,762,410.00 at 1.3557
What is the dealer's position as a result of these trades?
If today's spot date were Monday, 1 March, what would be the maturity of a 1-month CHF interbank deposit, assuming that there are no intervening bank holidays?
The effective Euro overnight reference rate, computed as a weighted average of ail overnight unsecured lending transactions undertaken in the interbank market and computed with the help of the European Central Bank, is called:
A UK Treasury Bill has 91 days to maturity. Its redemption value is GBP 100,000.00, What is the purchase price of this bill using a discount rate of 1,25% per annum?
You request use of funds from your agent bank for 1 day on an amount of EUR 100,000,000.00, EONIA was 0.812% and the ECB deposit facility rate is 0.50%. What use of funds settlement amount should you expect?
If Bank A sells securities to Bank B, and at the same time and as part of the same transaction, commits to repurchase equivalent securities on a specified future date, Bank A has dealt:
What does "arrange good value payment" mean?
Loan/deposit input and mismatch analysis capability belongs to which module in a treasury system?
The CLS-Bank (Continuous Linked Settlement) is one of the ways through which FX transactions can be settled. Why was this bank founded?
In FX swaps, the rate of the spot leg:
You are in the pub with a friend who works for another financial institution. The friend asks you for information about a mutual customer's forward foreign exchange dealing volumes. What should you do?
Why is securities reconciliation necessary?
What is the RTGS single technical platform inter-linking the ECB and the national central banks of the EU member states which have adopted the Euro?
If a bank incurs interest charges from having overdrawn an account due to a late payment from a counterparty:
Due to an error by your dealers, your bank is 5 days late in paying EUR 10,000,000.00. Your correspondent bank says it will charge you 6% p.a. plus reserve costs of EUR 1.00 per thousand. How much will your account be charged for this overdraft?
If the maturity of a straight 3-month deposit fails on a Saturday, which is also the last day of the month, what will be the final end date of this transaction?
What is a loro or vostro bank account?
A "basis point", expressed as a percentage, is:
As to deal confirmations, who is your counterparty on futures contracts?
Under normal circumstances, which of the following is a non-negotiable instrument?
Which one of the following statements about claims is true?
What guidelines does the Model Code provide concerning the practice in the interbank market of only one party to a transaction sending a written confirmation?
As to futures contracts:
Which one of the following statements regarding the segregation of duties in the confirmation process is incorrect?
If the back office staff receive a trade that is incomplete, which information is absolutely essential for processing the trade?
Which interest rates are used to calculate the exchange rate of an outright transaction value tomorrow (over tom)?
Which of the following is a fundamental element or module in the “securities dealing and processing” part of a treasury system?
A USD 1,0000,000.00 US Treasury Bill (91 days) is offered at a discount rate of 0.75%. The offer price will be:
Which of the following currencies is eligible for CLS settlement?
Which of the following processes are offered by the CLS settlement system?
Why are confirmations necessary?
What is an essential feature of nostro reconciliations?
You take a EUR deposit on Monday, 13 February. Assuming there are no intervening bank holidays, what is the one-month maturity date?
Which of these statements is correct?
What is a settlement date?
Most non deliverable forwards (NDFs) are cash-settled in:
Which kind of report is a reconciliation system unable to produce?
What documents and/or information should you hold in order to start an investigation?
The "value date" is best described as:
A large corporate client sends you a case of expensive wine as a reward for settling a compensation case in their favor. What should you do?
When should discrepancies between front-office and back-office systems be resolved?
The owner of a convertible bond:
Which of the following trades involves replacement risk?
For the third time in a month, a back office clerk has been questioned by one of his spot FX dealers about back office payment authorization and confirmation procedures. What should he/she do?
If a trade is to settle in a CCP or CLS:
In settlement, which "know your trade" best practice is incorrect?
You request use of funds from your agent bank for 2 days on an amount of EUR 25,000,000.00. EONIA is 0.790% on the first day and 0.836% on the second day. The ECB deposit facility rate is 0.75% on both days. What use of funds settlement amount should you expect?
Which of the following is the primary responsibility of an Operations Department?
Where is the bank with the BIC-address "BOJPJPJT" located?