A dealer makes the following deals in EUR/USD:
Sells EUR 1,500,000.00 at 1.3560
Buys EUR 3,250,000.00 at 1.3542
Sells USD 2,709,600.00 at 1.3548
Buys USD 1,762,410.00 at 1.3557
What is the dealer's position as a result of these trades?
If today's spot date were Monday, 1 March, what would be the maturity of a 1-month CHF interbank deposit, assuming that there are no intervening bank holidays?
The effective Euro overnight reference rate, computed as a weighted average of ail overnight unsecured lending transactions undertaken in the interbank market and computed with the help of the European Central Bank, is called:
A UK Treasury Bill has 91 days to maturity. Its redemption value is GBP 100,000.00, What is the purchase price of this bill using a discount rate of 1,25% per annum?