Which optional clause is used to reject inserts and updates that do not satisfy the WHERE clause of a view query?
Which statement is associated with two separate entities?
Which relationship exists between occurrences of the same entity types?
Which clause is used to specify the join columns when performing a join in MySQL?
Which phase of entity-relationship modeling refers to the maxima and minima of relationships and attributes?
Which operation finds an entry containing a search value by repeatedly splitting the index in two?
Which property is associated with a one-field primary key?
Which syntax feature classifies the explicit string, numeric, or binary values used in SQL queries?
Which database operation locates the needed table blocks?
What is the role of the database administrator?
What is the role of the transaction manager within the database system architecture?
What is the role of a query processor in the database system architecture?
Which type of entity only exists in a logical sense?
How can a primary key constraint be added after the table is created?
Which type of join selects all the rows from both the left and right table, regardless of match?
Which SELECT statement uses valid syntax for SQL?
What does the aggregate function do?
Which keyword can be used as a clause in an ALTER TABLE statement?