Which of the management cockpit gives you an overview of your current net open exposures, so you can take your hedging decisions?
Which of the pool certificates are mapped using securities from the Investment Certificateproduct category?
Which of the calculation type controls the creation of the hypothetical derivative, the decomposition of the market rate components, and the creation of the market value components?
What is used to transfer postings from a period, for example the current fiscal year, from your source systems to your Central Finance system?
Which of the manager is responsible for managing all the company's treasury activities?
Which of the management enables you to gain an overview of the foreign exchange risk that your company is exposed to, as well as the hedging instruments which you used to mitigate that risk?
Which of the values are required for the valuation that takes place during the release of hedging business transactions?
Which source applications use Origin X when defining queries & query sequences? (2 Correct Answer)
Which type of transactions are concluded with business partner within the transactionmanager?
Which of the exposures are risk positions that result from transactions that you can either import using a BAPI from a source system?
From which sources can you copy reference data during the planning process?
Which of the items are necessary for theHedge Accounting process. During the automated designation process the hedged exposure item is identified automatically and
the corresponding exposure subitems are created and assigned to the hedged items?
Which of the following scenarios trigger a Bank Account Management work-flow? 2
What are the sources for exposure to be displayed in the hedge management cockpit (2 Correct Answer)?
Which of the following One Exposure fields should you populate as part of the initialization? 3
Which of the following accrual and deferral methods are supported?
Which elements control account determination for Transaction Manager deals? 3
If the exposure position has been transferred to Hedge Management, which of the following applies:
Which of the following comparisons are available for liquidity analysis? 2
What are used for the interest rate instrument on which the reference interest rate is based to describe when and how much money is paid?
For which data do you define liquidity itemderivation rules of type origin X?
Why must you assign special accounts (clearing and substitution accounts) for the initial load during customizing? Note: There are 2 correct answers to this question.
You implement hedge management and hedge accounting. Explain the hypothetical derivative?
Is SAP S4 HANA can be deployed onwhich of below edition.
Which of the analyzer focuses on measuring, analyzing and controlling counterparty default risk?
Which of the manager is responsible for providing information about the short- and medium-term financialsituation as a basis for financial planning?
You are capturing the settings for new limit types in Credit Risk Analyzer. What do you define using the Define Limit Types configuration activity? 2
You have enabled two business transaction events (BTE) in configuration to enable signatory control. What impact does this have on the payment approval process?
Which of the option allows you to write-up or write-down aposition to a fixed book value?
Which methods are available to capture analysis characteristic values within a trade? (2 Correct Answer)
Which type of relationships are performed as key date valuations (transaction TPM1) or as part of derived business transactions?
What makes ensure that Fl transactions that are dependent on one another are not processed simultaneously as this could leadto errors?
Which steps must you configure to activate SAP SAHANA Cash Management? 2