What is the type and length of the key used to encrypt data?
Which three capabilities are part of the Health Check tool?
How does Salesforce protect your org from all other customer orgs on a multitenancy platform?
When is data from a newly connected tenant updated in the Security Center App?
For products built on the Salesforce Platform, which three tools can admins use to monitor MFA usage patterns?
How long are EventLogFile objects stored for?
Which three standard authentication protocols does Salesforce support to integrate external applications using APIs?
Which two technologies are used to stream and store real-time event monitoring data?
Which metric view holds information on the 'Password Never Expires' setting?
Other than IdentityVerificationEvent and LoginEvent, Real-Time Events are stored for how long when enabled for storage
If a user is to have access to an object, but limit their access to individual fields in that object, how would a consultant address this?
If the client wants to record the set up changes users are making to fields for a three years, how
would the client achieve this with the standard product?
MFA is enabled at which level for Marketing Cloud-Email Studio, Mobile Studio, and Journey Builder?
Which method should an admin use to view the Security Center Metrics?