Which four database parameters might be affected by or influence the creation of standby databases? (Choose four.)
Which three statements are true about snapshot standby databases? (Choose three.)
A data file on one of your physical standby databases has been accidentally deleted and you must restore and recover it.
All the archive logs required for recovery are still on disk in the directory pointed to by the log_archive_dest_1 parameter.
Which three steps must be performed to restore the missing file and recover the standby database while it is in the MOUNT state? (Choose three.)
Examine the Data Guard configuration:
DGMGRL> show configuration verbose;
Configuration - Animals
Protection Mode: MaxPerformance
cats - Primary database
dogs - (*) Physical standby database
sheep - Physical standby database
(*) Fast-Start Failover target
FastStartFailoverThreshold = ‘30’
OperationTimeout = ‘30’
TraceLevel = ‘USER’
FastStartFailoverLagLimit = ‘30’
CommunicationTimeout= ‘180’
ObserverReconnect= ‘10’
FastStartFailoverAutoReinstate= ‘FALSE’
FastStartFailoverPmyShutdown= ‘TRUE’
BystandersFollowRoleChange= ‘none’
ObserverOverride = ‘FALSE’
Fast-Start Failover: ENABLED
Threshold: 30 seconds
Target: dogs
Observer: ol5.example.com
Lag Limit: 30 seconds
Shutdown Primary:TRUE
Auto-reinstate: FALSE
Observer Reconnect: 10 seconds
Observer Override: TRUE
Configuration Status:
Which two are true? (Choose two.)