The following search would create a graph similar to the one below:
index_internal sourcetype=Savesplunker | fields sourcetype, status | transaction status maxspan=1d | timechart count by status
The search does the following:
It uses index_internal to specify the internal index that contains Splunk logs and metrics.
It uses sourcetype=Savesplunker to filter events by the sourcetype that indicates the Splunk Enterprise Security app.
It uses fields sourcetype, status to keep only the sourcetype and status fields in the events.
It uses transaction status maxspan=1d to group events into transactions based on the status field with a maximum time span of one day between the first and last events in a transaction.
It uses timechart count by status to create a time-based chart that shows the count of transactions for each status value over time.
The graph shows the following:
It is a line graph with two lines, one yellow and one blue.
The x-axis is labeled with dates from Wed, Apr 4, 2018 to Tue, Apr 10, 2018.
The y-axis is labeled with numbers from 0 to 15.
The yellow line represents “shipped” and the blue line represents “success”.
The yellow line has a steady increase from 0 to 15, while the blue line has a sharp increase from 0 to 5, then a decrease to 0, and then a sharp increase to 10.
The graph is titled “Type”.
Therefore, option C is the correct answer.