The PROC LOGISTIC options SELECTION=SCORE and BEST=2 are used in a MODEL statement to generate a series of predictive models. The models are assigned numbers in order from 1 to 99 reflecting the fact that there are 50 candidate input variables. Results from the collection of derived models are used to generate the following plot of overall average profit by model number. Results are restricted to models with at least 9 inputs and at most 40 inputs.
The maximum value for the training data occurs for model number 46, and the maximum value for the validation data occurs for model number 43.
If you base model selection solely on overall average profit, what is the correct choice?
The SAS data set RESULT contains the following variables:
Which SAS programs can be used to find the p-value for comparing GrpA sales with GrpB sales? (Choose two.)
An analyst has a sufficient volume of data to perform a 3-way partition of the data into training, validation, and test sets to perform honest assessment during the model building process.
What is the purpose of the training data set?
A predictive model uses a data set that has several variables with missing values.
What two problems can arise with this model? (Choose two.)