Manage Locations
Your organization, headquartered in Redwood City, CA, zip code 94065, is implementing Oracle Procurement Cloud.
Task 1
Create a Location for your purchasing headquarters, where:
. Location is linked to US Location Set
. Name of the location is PRCXX Location (Replace xx with 01, which is your allocated User ID.)
. Location code is PRCXXLOC (Replace XX with 01, which is your allocated User ID.)
· Address line is 1000 Main St
. Location is active
Challenge 5
Manage Procurement Agents
Your procurement organization requires you to define yourself as a purchasing buyer so that you can create and manage procurement transactions.
Define a Procurement Agent, where:
· Procurement BU is US1 Business Unit
. Agent is mapped to your assigned Login username - Student, PRCXX (Replace xx with 01, which is your allocated User ID.)
· All default procurement actions are to be assigned and accepted as-is